Rohit Agarwal

Rohit Agarwal

Senior Software Engineer - I
A technology enthusiast who wants to learn about each step of the development to make sure that the product being built is a robust one. Open to learning any new technology in order to build the feature and overcome the problem statements stated.
The Most Amazing...

....thing that I have done is, Created some python scripts to convert an HTML+ PHP design into an HBS design. So basically for a resume builder app, we had all the designs created in the HTML format for the website but for the mobile side app, we needed to convert the designs to HBS format manually by editing all the PHP codes. So we create a script for it to make it an automatic thing.

Interest & Expertise
Interest & Expertise
  • Mobile App Development.
  • Backend API Development.
  • Writing Scalable Code.
  • Learn New Technologies.
  • Open Source Contribution.
  • Gold Medalist in CSE 2020 Batch at UEM Jaipur.
  • Appointed as Vice President of ACM Student Chapter.
Node.js, PHP, Python, Firebase, GraphQL
HTML / CSS, JavaScript, Java, Dart
Backend Framework & Library
Express.js, DartFrog
Version Control
Git, GitLab, GitHub, Bitbucket
Project Management
JIRA, Trello
Cloud Services
AWS S3, Cloud Firestore, Firebase Storage, Firebase Messaging, Onesignal, Supabase
Frontend Framework & Library
XCode, Android Studio, ClickUp, X-Code, Trello
AppStore, PlayStore, Heroku, AWS LightSail
State Management
Provider, Riverpod, GetX, BLOC
Visual Studio Code, Sublime
Resume Builder - Build your CV in Minutes
We can create CVs using this app. It has multiple design formats incorporated along with that it has 26 sections where users can fill in the data accordingly. We have intelligence built in it to suggest the skills according to work and educational qualification entered. This also has inbuilt spelling and grammar checking for the CV which suggests the changes to the users as well.
Role & responsibility - Solo Developer.
Tech Stacks: Flutter, PHP, MySQL.
Online Grocery Application
This project is used to sell grocery items. This has two faces customer side and the vendor side. The app is completely configured based if we change the categories and products it can start selling electronic items as well. This has cart management, order placing, and tracking features made. Users can also Wishlist their products and accordingly place orders.
Role & Responsibility : Complete Development.
Tech Stacks: Flutter, Dart Frog, Supabase.
Business Management Application
This project helps MSME businesses to come online and get their websites within minutes. They can manage inventory, handle cashbooks and credit books, create and print bills, market their products with numerous options and get insights along with that. They can manage their business using a mobile app or a desktop app as well. This app also has features for service management, staff management, raw materials management, and analysis and reports are also generated.
Role & Responsibility : Complete Development.
Tech Stacks: Flutter, Firebase, NodeJS, MySQL, Onesignal, AWS, GitHub.

Geek Speaks

Severpod - Backend solution in Dart

Serverpod, a web and app server, that allows you to write the server-side code in Dart. This makes it built, exclusively for the Flutter ecosystem. In this episode of GeekSpeak, Rohit Agarwal, Software Engineer - III, GeekyAnts, talks about Serverpod, explains how to install it, lists down its characteristics, and in the ens discusses its future.

Supabase - An Open Source Firebase Alternative

Firebase is one of the most widely used backend platforms for backend app development, as well as hosting. While it is a fairly capable platform, there are instances where the features offered by it are just not enough. And that's where an alternative such as Supabase comes handy. It has many advantages over Firebase, with the key one being that it is open source, hence there's zero lock-in.