Jaspreet Singh
Tech Lead - l
A young enthusiast who loves the idea of using software to solve practical problems. Loves to gain experience and learning new technologies.
Web App Development
The Most Amazing...
....Open source project PETstack (Postgres Express Typescript) boilerplate which provides developers the basic setup to push off the project with ease along with features to make development process faster.

Interest & Expertise
- Web Development
- Grid & layout
- Problem solving
- Object Oriented programming
- Agile Methodologies
Node.js, GraphQL
Frontend Framework & Library
React.js, AngularJS
HTML / CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript
Backend Framework & Library
Version Control
Project Management
JIRA, Trello
Online buying & selling trade.
Mobile Application which helps farmer to buy/sell/trade
their commodity between different cites in India.
Description: As a backend lead developer I have build end to end api’s using ExpressJs and PostgreSQL and merging PRs and deploying on dev. Built Optimised, Secure and Scalable api’s. Worked with AWS services like S3, CloudFront, Lambda etc. Created basic chat application using socket.io Using sentry to track any errors or downtime
Health Admin Dashboard.
Admin dashboard that helps patients and admins to manage different clinics under a practice and respective clinicians and patients for that clinic. Patients use prosthetic devices to record steps and wear time records. Recorded data is displayed in the dashboard for clinicians. Description : Built APIs using Nodejs along with PostgreSQL. Built Optimised, Secure and Scalable api’s. Using Jenkins to deploy application onto the servers.
Web portal for monitoring players
A portal for monitoring players of US football to manage their stats, score, per game performance, team performance and game organization and clubs using ReactJs and data management by redux and redux-saga.
Business Impact Analysis (BIA Tool)
The application helps an organization to define business continuity plan, tag the key personnel to a BIA to execute the tests and track & update all other stakeholders from time to time. Responsibilities include functional requirement analysis, sprint planning and user stories timeline estimation with business analyst, peer code review, design & development of the client-side of the application using Angular 6, TypeScript, Bootstrap, HTML5 and CSS3.