Suraj Ahmed Choudhury

Suraj Ahmed Choudhury

Associate Director of Engineering
Suraj Ahmed Choudhury is a top-notch developer & a tech lead. He excels at building mobile apps with React Native and scalable web apps using React, GraphQL, Node, styled-components, Laravel and everything else in between. When it comes to being a team player and building something out of the box, Suraj is the man. The soul of the team who keeps the fun factor high with his happy go lucky attitude. He believes in the idea of "there is always more than one way to do it" and so he is known for his quirky hacks.
Full Stack Engineer
Mobile app using React Native (iOS and Android)
Firebase / GraphQL in the back-end
React for Web
Open Source Contributor
Fast learner
Linux - Mac
Team management
The Most Amazing...

....thing I've created is BuilderX - A design tool which can code React Native for you

Interest & Expertise
Interest & Expertise
  • Dashboard Applications
  • Modular Development
  • Object-oriented design
  • Agile software development
  • JavaScript
  • Clean Code
  • AJAX
  • MVC
  • Unit Testing
Laravel, Node.js, PHP
Frontend Framework & Library
React.js, AngularJS, AngularUI, BackboneJS
HTML / CSS, JavaScript
RealTime Communication Library
Version Control
Git, GitLab, GitHub
Sublime Text
CSS pre-processor
Bower, Grunt
Web Server
Apache, Nginx
Design Tools
Adobe Photoshop
Facebook SDK, Facebook API, Google Analytics, Restangular
Cloud Services
Google API
Google Docs
Backend Framework & Library
Testing Frameworks & Library
Open Source project with more than 13,100+ stars on Github. Many mobile developers use NativeBase to ease their mobile app development and so we call it - "The missing piece of React Native!". It has 150k+ monthly downloads.
A web app built in React-Meteor which provides a platform to share your sketch/design. The platform aims to bridge the gap between designer and developer by bringing both of them on the same platform. You can share your designs and code with your team under different access modes. You can showcase your designs and code with the public as well by toggling the Public Access option to enabled. You can also define the type of access given to your teams and workspace members by toggling Workspace Access to the respective selection. Inviting people to your design has also been made easy with the Invite a person button that lets you invite people using their e-mail IDs as well as share your design via a URL.
Technologies used- Meteor, React, MongoDB