Cyrus Passi
Senior Software Engineer - II
An enthusiastic dedicated developer who loves solving real-world problems and is motivated to deliver good quality products. I like to explore new techs.
React Native
The Most Amazing...
....thing I have done is, Contributed to React Native Core where I sent a PR for adding pointer-events web style for the prop to view component which will help bring the web and mobile APIs close to the ecosystem.

Interest & Expertise
- Open source.
- JS module bundling and compilation.
- Good quality code with DRY and SOLID principles.

- Secured 2nd position in CodeCracker where we had to solve 5 coding problems in minimum time.
- Was in top 10 teams in HackWithHer Hackathon in which participants were given some problems, and were judged on the basis of their speed and efficiency.
Laravel, Node.js, PHP
Frontend Framework & Library
React.js, Bootstrap, Wordpress, chakra-ui, Tailwind, Gatsby, SWR
HTML / CSS, JavaScript, C, C++
Backend Framework & Library
Version Control
GitLab, GitHub
Project Management
JIRA, Trello
State Management
MobX, Zustand, Context, Apollo GraphQL
User Interface Design
Expo, React Native, Next.js
Testing Frameworks & Library
Jest, RTL
PlayStore, Vercel
Cloud Services
Firestore, Cloud Firestore, Firebase Storage, Firebase Messaging
Query Language
Shell Script
Visual Studio Code, Sublime
Storybook, Sentry
Asynchronous State Management and Data Fetching
React Query
Admin Portal
Build an admin portal for an application where teachers and students could interact with each other. Admin can manage teachers and students and can measure analytics with the help of graphs.
Technologies: NextJs and Apollo Graphql
Technologies: NextJs and Apollo Graphql
Built a CMS over the top of notion single-handedly which uses Next.js SSG and ISR which converts documents present in notion to blogs in native-base and made-with-native-base websites.
Technologies: Tailwind as a CSS framework and https://github.com/NotionX/react-notion-x for mapping of notion api components.
Technologies: Tailwind as a CSS framework and https://github.com/NotionX/react-notion-x for mapping of notion api components.
Built a flat and flatmates searching app on my own where users can swipe and pass other users, match with them, and can also chat with them. Integrated expo-notifications with deep linking enabled, OTP verification, crud operations on user profiles, and reanimated v2 animations.
Technologies: NativeBase as a component library and firebase storage and cloud functions.
Technologies: NativeBase as a component library and firebase storage and cloud functions.
Contributed to NativeBase and Nativebase Startup+. My responsibility was to copy the figma designs and bring them to the website using Tailwind. Learned animations by implementing them in the hero fold of the Nativebase Startup+ website. Also improved performance, loading time, and SEO of the website.
Tic Tac Toe Game
Built a tic tac toe game using React and SyncState as a state management library. My responsibility was to sync the moves of both users with each other by sending json patches to the server when a player makes a move and transferring it to the other user so that the move is synced on both sides.
Technologies: React, SyncState
Technologies: React, SyncState
Social Media App
Built a social media app where users can create posts, comment, and like each other's posts. My responsibility was to create routes, models, and controllers and implement a notifications service that sends notification emails to users.
Technologies: Node.js and MongoDB.
Technologies: Node.js and MongoDB.
Chat App
Build a chat app similar to whatsapp where users get notifications on getting messages from other users only when they are out of the chat window. Was controlling the notifications when the user is in the chat window, and also integrated deep linking which enables the user to go to a specific chat window.
Technologies: React Native, Expo.
Technologies: React Native, Expo.