Krishna Vishwakarma
Software Engineer III
As a curious and versatile developer, I am always eager to explore new technologies and find innovative solutions to complex problems. I have hands-on experience in developing high-performance and scalable web applications that are user-friendly and responsive. My passion for learning and experimenting with new technologies has enabled me to keep up with the latest industry trends, and I am constantly striving to enhance my skills to become an all-around developer.
The Most Amazing...
....thing that I have done, I created a Santa Claus loading animation in the Instagram clone web app for a festive-themed website. Whenever a user scrolls down the page, the animation of Santa Claus appears during the loading time of new posts. This also adds a festive touch to the website and enhances the user experience by implementing this loading animation.

Interest & Expertise
- Writing Scalable Code
- Exploring new technologies
- Reading books
- Chess and Cricket

- 3 star in problem Solving at codechef.
- GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) qualified in 2021.
Node.js, Firebase
Frontend Framework & Library
React.js, Bootstrap, VueJS, Material-UI, Nuxt.js, Tailwind CSS
HTML / CSS, JavaScript, C, C++, TypeScript
Backend Framework & Library
Express.js, REST
MongoDB, Atlas search
Version Control
Git, GitLab, GitHub
Project Management
State Management
Shell Script
Visual Studio Code
Cloud Services
Firebase Storage
Online Bookshop web application
Developed a frontend book shop web application using Nuxt.js, Vue.js, and Bootstrap. The application allows users to browse through a catalog of books, filter them by various criteria, and add them to their shopping cart. Implemented dynamic search functionality and user authentication to enable a personalized experience. Optimized the application for performance and responsiveness, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable user experience. By building this project, I demonstrated my proficiency in frontend web development using Vue.js and Nuxt.js, and my ability to design and implement complex web applications using Bootstrap's responsive design framework.
Tech Stacks: Nuxt.js, Vue.js, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap.
Tech Stacks: Nuxt.js, Vue.js, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap.
Instagram clone
Created a full-stack Instagram clone using React and Firebase. Implemented key features such as user authentication using firebase(login signUp), navigate to homepage, navigate to his own profile page, photo uploading, story uploading, infinite scrolling (maximum 3 post visible at a time), edit profile details (name, userId, profile image) , count number of posts, post feed, like and comment functionality. Optimized user experience with responsive design and integrated real-time updates. Demonstrated proficiency in front-end development using React, Redux and back-end development using Firebase's real-time database and storage solutions.
Tech Stacks: ReactJs, Redux, HTML,. CSS, Bootstrap, Material UI.
Tech Stacks: ReactJs, Redux, HTML,. CSS, Bootstrap, Material UI.