Inamur Rahman

Inamur Rahman

Senior Software Engineer - III
Udacity Nanodegree Certified in Full Stack Web Development. Love to work and explore new Technologies
The Most Amazing...

....thing I have done is I have integrated Angular Js inside Laravel, which lets us use AngularJs routing and other features of AngularJs which create amazing Single Page Application

Interest & Expertise
Interest & Expertise
  • Love to work with JavaScript
  • Frontend Technologies
  • Web Development
Laravel, PHP
Frontend Framework & Library
React.js, AngularJS, Angular 2+
JavaScript, C, C++, TypeScript
Version Control
Git, GitLab, GitHub
Project Management
JIRA, Trello
User Interface Design
Material Design
Cloud Services
Today anybody with a smartphone where there’s a news story happening can be a reporter. You can see the news as it’s happening right on the ground captured by the people. On this idea, this application is built and I created the admin dashboard for this application. The technology used to build this project is ReactJs, Material Design, Redux and Saga.
National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) is a not-for-profit public limited company. NSDC aims to promote skill development by catalyzing creation of large, quality and for-profit vocational institutions. The technologies used in this project are Angular 6, Material Design, NodeJs, GoLang and MongoDB.
National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS) is a new scheme of Government of India to promote apprenticeship. The main objective of the scheme is to promote apprenticeship training and to increase the engagement of apprentices. The technologies used in this project are Angular 6, Material Design, Laravel and MongoDB

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