Harsh Swarnjeet Sharma

Harsh Swarnjeet Sharma

Software Engineer III
I was the kid who didn’t break apart my Rubik’s cube so that I could get all the colors lined up—I was the kid who solved it. I am highly enthusiastic and passionate about coding and testing software and websites, with several skills and projects in my arsenal.
I am an analytical thinker, a keen problem solver, with a proactive attitude to helping in disaster management in an increasingly technical world. As a developer, I love to bridge the gap between technology and people. Drawing out valuable insights out of code is my favorite part of my skills.
React Native
The Most Amazing...

....thing I have done is, Build a Netflix clone with streaming videos - I always wondered how a video streaming app works and where it stores video. One day I was casually surfing the internet and got an idea to make a look-alike website of net-flix and also make a server to stream videos over this app. It is available locally on my machine.
There is one Sign In page and then there is one button that says "watch videos now". After clicking on that button a new page where has a video section. When a user clicks on one video then the media player opens to another page and the user can enjoy the streaming video.

Interest & Expertise
Interest & Expertise
  • Web App Development.
  • Writing Scalable Code.
  • Reading Open Source Contribution.
  • Making good use of Research and Development.
  • Highly appreciated by faculties and peers to make 3 projects consequently in Bachelor’s. Projects are-
  • 1- Sea Camel -> aesthetically appealing website for Water vehicles. Integrated whatsapp also. Tech use - PHP, HTML, CSS, JS.
  • 2- Coin facts -> A stand alone website that gives info about Ancient Indian coins. Tech use - HTML, CSS, JS.
  • 3- Distant learning -> A multi function website where faculties login to upload pdf for students to study. Each student has a login id and password to fetch the pdf for then to study.
  • Gold medal in Football.
  • Gold medal in 100m Running Race.
Node.js, GraphQL
Frontend Framework & Library
React.js, Wordpress
HTML / CSS, JavaScript
Version Control
Git, GitHub
Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code
State Management
React Native
Heroku, Vercel, githubPages
Infographic Website
This website is created from scratch by taking references from the UIs in the Zeplin software. Many of the components are fetched from WordPress, also used by Lottie-web to make a motion background. A Library called Parallax is embedded to create an aesthetic background in the project.
Tech Stack- React, WordPress
A LinkedIn profile view replica is developed and the video is uploaded over the LinkedIn platform. Here routes are also used to navigate among different pages to have a multi-page website feel and the profile image is directly taken from the LinkedIn server.
Tech Stack- React, State, Hooks.
Set Goal
Developed a mobile app to record goals and accomplish them. Fast execution due to component reusability. All mobile devices are supported.
Tech Stack - Expo, React Native.
Guess a number
Developed a game to guess a number. Here the system defines a number and the user has to guess it by pressing two buttons. Fun leisure game and later I was willing to add a login page for a particular user.
Tech Stack- Expo, React Native
Youtube UI Replica
Youtube homepage replica. Here for videos, I used a handwritten JSON, and then when the user refreshes the page, the JSON indexes are shuffled and give the appearance of reloading like on Youtube.
Tech Stack- JSX, State, Hooks, Route.