Senior Software Engineer - I
A Software Developer loves to explore new things and a startup enthusiast, works on React.js, React Native, Typescript and other frameworks.
Front End
The Most Amazing...
....Thing I have created is a chat application which has a UI and functionalities as same as whatsapp.

Interest & Expertise
- Web development
- Mobile development
- Front end Development
- State management

- Won an Innovation award and runner up in a robotic completion.
Frontend Framework & Library
HTML / CSS, JavaScript, C, TypeScript
Version Control
Git, GitHub
State Management
Redux, Mobx-state-tree
Firebase, GraphQL
Testing Frameworks & Library
Image Sharing Platform
An app that’s help you to find good images, share your valuable
images to your friends and people. Ability to like others pictures, search for the pictures that you want and save pictures. Tech stack used are React, Firebase, Typescript, REST API, Material UI
Hotel booking App
A React Native app that helps you find a good hotels based on
your location and guests. Using autocomplete feature you can search places and hotels very fast. By clicking on the maps user can able to choose hotels. Tech stack used are React Native, Amplify, React Vector Icons
Note Taking App
An app was developed for note taking, organising and task
management. Has options to add a tag, pin a note and search a note. Using trash bin option, the notes can be restored after a deletion. Tech stack used are React, Firebase, REST API, Material UI
Finance Manager
A Finance management app for an individual to track his/her
expenditure and income. Contains a chart that visualises the percentage of each income/expense. Tech stack used are JavaScript, Firebase, REST API, Material UI.
Movie Searching App
A movie recommendation app with a custom playlist and
favourite list. Contains a search option along with various filter categories. Provides options to view individual movie details as well as trailer. Allows users to share their playlist with their friends and families.