Jeevan Chandra Joshi
Senior Software Engineer - I
I have a keen interest in programming and love to solve coding problems in my free time. I dedicate most of my time to mobile application development using Flutter & Firebase.
The Most Amazing...
....thing I have done is, Build 2 apps from scratch and publish them on Google Play Store, one of them has 5000+ downloads with a 4.9 rating.

Interest & Expertise
- Mobile App Development.
- Problem Solving & Coding.
- Making Pixel-Perfect UI.
- Debugging and Refactoring the Code.

- GitLab Certified Associate.
- Flutter BootCamp with Dart Certification.
- Employee of the Quarter Q1 2022 at Previous Organization.
- District Level Chess Player.
- Student Campus Ambassador at College.
HTML / CSS, JavaScript, Java, C, C++, Dart
Version Control
Git, GitLab, GitHub, Bitbucket
VS Code
XCode, Android Studio, Postman, JIRA
AppStore, PlayStore, Heroku
State Management
Riverpod, GetX, BLOC
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
Github Actions
Backend Framework & Library
DartFrog, Serverpod
Strapi, Contentful
Built a placement preparation app having quizzes on different topics. Used strapi cms to store all the questions and fetch them through graphql queries and stored them locally on the hive boxes for offline access. Used bloc design pattern to separate UI from logic.
Tech Stacks: Dart, Flutter, Strapi.
Tech Stacks: Dart, Flutter, Strapi.
Build a hiring app having 2 panels i.e Recruiter and Candidate. Candidates can create their profile, see a list of jobs and apply for multiple jobs. Recruiters can create their profile, post multiple jobs and see a list of applicants. This also includes authentication through firebase, job searching, and account deletion features.
Tech Stacks: Dart, Flutter, Firebase.
Tech Stacks: Dart, Flutter, Firebase.
Nearby Hospitals App
Built an android app having 4 panels i.e Admin, Hospital, Doctor, and User. Admin can approve newly added hospitals and add/remove doctors/hospitals. Hospitals can add/remove their doctors, add facilities and add vacancies. Doctors can add timeslots, and confirm/cancel appointments. Users can add their family members, book appointments, and apply for vacancies.
Tech Stacks: Dart, Flutter.
Tech Stacks: Dart, Flutter.
Flutter Starter CLI
Built a Dart CLI that provides commands and instructions for quickly setting up a Flutter project from scratch. The Flutter Starter CLI provides a set of pre-configured libraries, best coding practices, and well-organized architecture including BLoC and RiverPod for state management, Dio and HTTP for API services, Go_Router for routing, and support for themes, localization, and testing (unit, widget, and integration).
Tech Stacks: Dart
Tech Stacks: Dart
Booking App
Building a full stack booking application. Using flutter to build the front-end of the app and DartFrog to build the back-end of the app. Additionally, implementing Google Sign-In that allows users to authenticate with their Google accounts.
Tech Stacks: Dart, Flutter, Dartfrog, Postgres
Tech Stacks: Dart, Flutter, Dartfrog, Postgres
Geek Speaks
Dart Frog: A Minimalistic Backend for Flutter
Flutter is a frontend framework that is used, and preferred, by developers around the world. However, when building apps, mere frontend isn't enough, backend is just as important, and conventionally the backend isn't built using Flutter or Dart.
This is where, Dart Frog comes in to play. It enables Flutter and Dart devs to build backend using Flutter as well.
In this video, Jeevan Chandra Joshi, Software Engineer - II, GeekyAnts, talks all there is about Dart Frog, a simple yet powerful backend framework designed specifically for Flutter apps.