Asmit Shrivastava
Senior Software Engineer - I
Frontend developer skilled in React and Flutter. Interested in learning different technologies. Intend to use my skills for real-life problems and develop them further.
MERN stack
The Most Amazing...
....I have started my web development Journey in Nov,2020. Learned full stack web development in Just 8-10 months, made 5 full stack projects in it. Within 1 year of my web dev Journey I got a Job in Nov,2021.. that is the most amazing thing that I have done

Interest & Expertise
- Listening to music
- Travelling
HTML / CSS, TypeScript, Dart
RealTime Communication Library
Flutter, React
Docket App
It is an employee portal app, for employees of geekyAnts to check their daily tasks and dashboard of their overall performance, running on both ios and android. It is fully responsive and developed using Flutter, firebase and BLOC pattern architecture.
Tech stack - Flutter, Dart, Firebase, Bloc for state management
It is a clone of Instagram with its core features. Description: It is a completely responsive social media web app made using MERN stack, Redux toolkit for state management and socket io for Realtime communication. Key Features - Authentication with JWT token , Feeds, Realtime-chat, Upload posts, Like, comment on posts, and save posts, Follow and unfollow users system, Activities ( not realtime). Tech stack - MERN, typescript, redux toolkit, socket.io
Geek Speaks
We, at GeekyAnts, are always experimenting, especially with any new tech that we manage to get our hands on.
Twitter offers Spaces, a live audio conversation platform, where people can schedule and hold online chat sessions, which anyone can join. The idea really struck our geeks, and they decided to give it a whirl. And the result is speekup: A live-conversation platform inspired by Twitter Spaces.
In this video, Asmit Srivastava and Ashish Gour talk about speekup, the idea behind it, and how it was developed.