Video Series

Looking for binge-worthy tech content? Welcome to GeekHub! We are a bunch of mad scientists with a passion for imparting relevant insights in helpful formats.


A place where we discuss everything about all the emerging trends in industries worldwide and build a cutting edge application to provide solutions.

Simplifying Solidity

With all the buzz about Solidity. We have specially curated a series to help you stay updated with the latest. Learn everything you need to know about variables, arrays, functions and more with Pushkar.

Simplifying Blockchain

Is Blockchain the next big thing? No doubt it is. Learn what, why and how of blockchain with Pushkar. This series also encompasses information about Web3 and ERC20. Watch him explain what NFTs are, and various Ethereum token standards.

Figma Tips & Tricks

This series is notable for shedding light on the super useful tips to leverage while working with Figma. We bet you didn't know these tips before. Dive-in and get geeky with K!