Just Released: GeekChronicles | Feb 2025

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Open Source

We love to contribute to the developer community and eagerly do our bit to enhance development standards with our Open Source contributions.
Vue Native

Vue Native

Vue Native is a fresh take on the Javascript star Vue.js that allows you to build cross-platform native apps using Vue.js. Vue Native compiles your apps to React Native and delivers a truly native feel.
React Native Seed

React Native Seed

Starting point for your React Native Project. React Native Seed provides you React Native starter kits for your base app with the technologies that you love.
Start Flutter

Start Flutter

Start Flutter is a library of free to download Flutter templates. All themes are open source for any use, even commercial. Download what you like and get started!.
Start React

Start React

Start React is an open source library of free to download React.js themes and templates which are highly extensible and ready to use for the developers community.
Start Angular

Start Angular

Admin Dashboard template which we have rewritten it in Angular which is open sourced at `www` & easily available for the community to use for free.
Start Laravel

Start Laravel

Start Laravel is a library of free to download Bootstrap 3 themes and templates. Our themes are open source for any use, even commercial.
Start Svelte

Start Svelte

Start Svelte is an open-source library of free to download Svelte themes and templates which are highly extensible and ready to use for the developer's community.
React Native Aria

React Native Aria

React Native Aria a library of React Hooks and an extension of the popular Adobe Aria that introduces extensive and rich accessibility options for React Native apps.
Flutter Starter

Flutter Starter

Flutter Starter is a starter kit for production level Flutter apps that bootstraps apps in Flutter with a well defined folder structure, a styleguide and API calls for seamless handling.


Based on MobX-State-Tree, Formst is a model-driven form library for React that allows you to structure and validate high performance forms in your React apps.


Sharedo provides you with an interface to manage roles and permissions for Laravel apps with the help of Laravel Bouncer. Assign read or write permissions to a user and remove them as required.


A state management library for React & JS apps.
gluestack-ui-flutter [Experimental]

gluestack-ui-flutter [Experimental]

gluestack-ui-flutter is a universal UI library that provides optionally styled and accessible widgets. These widgets are designed for easy integration into applications developed with Flutter.

More Products

Check out our other products, ranging from many contributions to existing open source projects, standalone enhancements and some just for pure fun.
Vue Native Website
The website of Vue Native
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React Native Easy Grid
Easy React Native Layout & Grid for the Dumb
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Vue Native Core
Vue Native is a framework to build cross platform native mobile apps using JavaScript
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Vue Native Cli
Write Native Mobile Apps using Vue. Vue Native is a wrapper around React Native APIs
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NativeBase Tutorial
The website of Vue Native
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NativeBase Stack Navigator
Sample App using NativeBase
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Helpful for developers who are familiar with React Native but new to Flutter, as it allows them to leverage their knowledge of React Native styling and apply it to Flutter.

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Gauges Flutter

Gauge package for Flutter. Includes progress displays for multiple orientations that can be customized for appearance and behavior.

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