QA Community

We are led and driven by excellence! We believe in busting the bugs one at a time and provide support and mentorship.

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A great way to learn together

Our QA Community not only allows you to assist others in solving their problems but also helps you to understand your own skills better. You may have a broad overview of how something works, but discussing it helps you to break it down and truly comprehend it from the foundation.

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Read, replicate and revise to solidify your understanding of QA. Even if you're looking for an introduction to the technology or an advanced understanding, our resources can help.


What could be better than a live discussion and Q&A session? Hear our subject matter experts break down Community For QA Engineers And Testers concepts for you.
May 24, 2023

Introduction to Playwright: An Automation Testing Tool

Achanta Sai Raghvendra Kalyan Prakash
Jan 3, 2023

Understanding Android

Gaurabh Chakraborty
Jul 27, 2022

Mobile App Instrumentation

Gaurabh Chakraborty


We believe in sharing our knowledge with everyone and that is exactly what we do in our weekly internal community...
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