Sonali Mandal

Sonali Mandal

Software Engineer III
I am a technology enthusiast who is passionate about web and mobile development. Currently having an experience of 2 years as a frontend developer.
React Native
The Most Amazing...

....thing I have done is, Worked as an excellent team player delivering user stories within the stipulated timelines, fixing critical bugs, developed reusable components to reduce any extra work for teammates.

Interest & Expertise
Interest & Expertise
  • Mobile App Development
  • Writing Scalable Code
  • Working with AGILE
  • Learning New Technologies
  • Sketching & Painting
  • Received appreciation and reward for work by Project Manager
HTML / CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript
Version Control
Git, Bitbucket
Project Management
State Management
React Native, gluestack-ui
XCode, Android Studio, SourceTree
Frontend Framework & Library
Visual Studio Code
A Super App
A banking application developed for bank employees to make everyday jobs easy and all in one place, hence, a super app.
This project is a mobile application developed with react-native for android and iOS devices. The user could perform day-to-day tasks, like scheduling a meeting, creating FD, RD, etc., to help their customers efficiently with various modules developed in the app. State management is achieved with redux.
Role & responsibility: My role was of a frontend developer, responsible to develop modules of the app. I was also responsible for integrating backend services with the front end. This project gave a great boost to my career with hands-on experience in a trending and demanding technology.
Tech Stacks: JavaScript, React Native, Redux
A Payment App
A mobile application to perform online payments.
This project is a white-label mobile application to make online payments. The users can add payment cards, make transactions and view transaction history.
Role & Responsibility: My role was of a react-native developer responsible to redesign the UI of the application as per new designs, fix existing and current issues and deliver a smooth application to the client.
Tech Stacks: JavaScript, React Native, Redux