Ankit Kumar Pandit
Tech Lead - ll
I am a software engineer! I love to build things and solve problems :)
The Most Amazing...
....I converted static routing of “vue-router” into dynamic API based routing. I created a layer on top of vue-router that parses dynamic routes coming from API and plugs it into the application so that Vue app can have routes in runtime.

Interest & Expertise
- Full Stack Development (Mobile/Web)
- Functional Programming
- Game Development
- Problem Solving
- Data Structures
- DRY and TDD

- Secured AIR151 in Round 2 and AIR501 in Round 1 of TCS CODEVITA, 2017.
- My team qualified and went for ACM-ICPC Asia Regional On-Site Round, Amritapuri, 2016.
Node.js, Python
Frontend Framework & Library
React.js, AngularJS, Bootstrap 4, JQuery, VueJS
HTML / CSS, JavaScript, Java, TypeScript
CSS pre-processor
UI Neumorphism
? An open-source component library with 250+ stars on Github, designed on the "new skeuomorphism" or "neomorphic" UI/UX trend. The library features more than 50 individual components.
? A Platformer game made in HTML5 canvas using vanilla JavaScript.
Also made Snake and tic-tac-toe game with react-redux.
Task manager PWA
? A TODO/Task Manager progressive web app using Vue.
Flash cards
? A Memorization and Study helper PWA published on Google Playstore using Trusted Web Activity and Vue.
Grocery App Prototype
? A grocery app prototype design made with React Native.
Photography Portfolio
? A responsive portfolio web app using Vue and Firebase.
Chat App Library
? Created reusable components for open-source chat application in Vue.
Video Chat Room
? A fun open, private, and multiple user chat room inspired by zoom using WebRTC.
Weather App
? A Beautiful Weather, an app built using flutter that shows the current weather.
Features include beautiful live animated weather icons, beautiful accent gradient colors, dark and light theme support.