Simranjit Singh

Simranjit Singh

Senior Software Engineer - II
I love to explore and try new technologies, creative mindset and I am motivated and enthusiastic about building new things. Always striving for self-improvement. Mobile app development excites me the most.
React Native
The Most Amazing...

....thing I have done is, Contributed to the development of some amazing Web and Mobile Apps in the course of my employment at GeekyAnts.

Interest & Expertise
Interest & Expertise
  • Mobile App Development
  • Web App Development
  • Learning about New Trends in Technology
  • Took part and got 1st position as a team of 6 in Geekyants internal hackathon. We built a full stack mobile application named CVBuddy which makes it easier for users to build a beautiful resume
  • Took part and got 3rd position in Hack-up hackathon in second year of my B.Tech. (Led a team of 4)
MySQL, MongoDB
Node.js, GraphQL
Frontend Framework & Library
HTML / CSS, JavaScript, Java, C, TypeScript
Version Control
Git, GitLab, GitHub, Bitbucket
Project Management
JIRA, Trello, Notion
VS Code
State Management
Redux, XState
Cloud Services
Testing Frameworks & Library
Jest, React Testing Library
React Native
B2B Mobile Apps for Property Builders and Channel Partners
Led a team of 7 in building two React Native Expo apps, We used Apollo Client and GraphQL for managing remote and local data. Both the apps were part of a mono repo for the reusability of UI. We used the Gluestack UI library for making UI components.
Builder Mobile app: Mobile app to be used by property building businesses for listing their profiles and tying up with channel partners (brokers) to sell the property. The app includes management of the customer and the stages where the property sale cycle has reached. Builder can also manage his in-house brokers and leads for ranking and monitoring their performances.
CP Mobile app: The app is similar to the builder mobile app but the CP app is to be used by the channel partner organizations (brokers) to tie up with builders and manage the property sale cycle. It includes event management, tie-up management, Contacting Builders, a CP ranking system, and a subscription system for different region-based plans for the CPs.
Tech Stack- React Native Expo, Apollo Client, GraphQL, Gluestack UI
Dating App
Developed a full-stack React Native application that works for both Android and iOS. It involved every step required in development like authentication, database, storage, navigation, notifications, etc. The API server for the application was built using GraphQL and Apollo Server. The task was to develop a dating application where users can find new people and chat with them. The admin web dashboard was built using React.js used by admins for managing the users using the dating app.
Tech Stacks: React-Native, Apollo, graphQL
Dating/Meeting Mobile App
Contributed to the development of a full-stack React-Native app that allows the user to match with other users around to organize group parties and meet new people. They can rate each other and also chat with them using the app. This project was based on the dating theme app mentioned above.
Tech Stacks: React-Native, Apollo Client, graphQL
Dashboard Web-App for a Ledger System App for Merchants
Contributed to the React.js web dashboard project for the mobile app. Users can view and manage the users, cities, merchants, and tasks using the web dashboard. The app provided solutions for merchants and shop owners for easier transactions and record keeping.
Tech Stacks: ReactJS
Fintech Mobile App for a Global Investment Firm
Contributed to the React-Native Mobile app. The app used Redux and Redux Saga for state management. The app was an advisor-focused robo for managing assets and goal-based investing.
Tech Stacks: React-Native, Redux, Redux Saga
Fintech Mobile App for an Indian Neo Banking System
Contributed to the React-Native Mobile app. The app uses XState for state management. The app provides all-in-one neo-banking solutions to its users.
Tech Stacks: React-Native, XState
Stock Trading Mobile App
Contributed to the React-Native Mobile app. The app uses Redux and Redux Saga for state management. The demo app with a real-time stock graph for the prices of NSE-listed stocks.
Tech Stacks: React-Native, Redux, Redux Saga, NativeBase UI Library
All-in-one Lifestyle, Planning and Communication Mobile App
Contributed to the React-Native Mobile app development. The app uses Redux and Redux Saga for state management. The application is an all-in-one social media platform. Provides features to connect with friends and family, share images/videos with them, stay in touch by texting or calling (audio and video), and plan calendar events. It allows having separate networks of people. And is also kids friendly with features like age-specific and private posting.
Tech Stacks: React-Native, Redux, Redux Saga