Siddharth Jain

Siddharth Jain

Software Engineer - I
I am a backend developer with an enthusiasm for building APIs with amazing logic. I am passionate about breaking large problems into small pieces that I can solve. I can build APIs that enable seamless communication between client and server and can design secure database architectures that safeguard sensitive user information. My expertise extends to architecting APIs, and I excel at designing resilient database structures that prioritize the security of sensitive user data.
The Most Amazing...

....thing I have done is, I have built a smart home using IOT which is used to depict the temperature inside the home. Using Arduino and a temperature sensor. To learn and build a microservice architecture and call different services internally.

Interest & Expertise
Interest & Expertise
  • Backend Development
  • API Development
  • Love New Technologies
  • Cricket
  • Java Crux Live Classroom Course by Coding Blocks
  • Introduction to Web Development Course by the University of California
Node.js, GraphQL
HTML / CSS, JavaScript, Java
Version Control
Git, GitLab, GitHub, Bitbucket
Frontend Framework & Library
Bootstrap, Material-UI
Visual Studio Code, DBdiagram
MySQL, Postgres
Project Management
Backend Framework & Library
Cloud Services
AWS S3 Bucket
Payment Gateway
It is a payment app that is used to send money from various countries (Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and all countries in Europe) to India. According to the exchange rate and inflation rate.
This is a mobile application with an admin panel on the web where an admin has the authority to accept or reject the payment. It is built on top of NodeJs and Postgres as a database on the backend level. On the front-end, we use React Native for mobile and ReactJS for web. On the backend, we have used a microservice architecture to optimize the codebase and have a systematic codebase because we have a lot of functionalities in this app.
I have refactored and optimize various APIs, like reducing the response time, for better interaction with users. Use various third-party applications for payment and notification purposes. To implement Swagger Docs and Postman Collection for APIs. To implement a microservices architecture. To do unit testing, reduce the response time of APIs, and reduce code redundancy.
Tech Stacks: NodeJs, Express, Postgres, Sequelize, Swagger, various third-party services
HealthCareApp (GeekCare)
This is a Telemedicine web application to ease the process of online appointments between Doctor and Patient. The main aim of GeekCare is to provide easy access to healthcare facilities for its users. and to provide easy connectivity between doctors and patients.
This is a web application made using NextJs, NodeJs, Postgres, and Hasura. Using GeekCare, patients can book an appointment by applying different filters. Patients can consult a doctor online through chats and video calls. Doctors can manage their patients and appointments. This application is based on monolithic architecture.
I have designed various GraphQL APIs and implemented various features like email OTP, Uploading files, Video Calls, Chat features, etc. Also, write Unit Test Cases for each APIs. Masking the sensitive data.
Tech Stacks: NodeJs, Postgres, Hasura, GraphQL, AWS S3 Bucket, Twilio