Sarthak Goyal

Sarthak Goyal

Senior Software Engineer - II
Enthusiastic Engineer eager to contribute to team success through hard work, attention to detail, and excellent organizational skills. A developer having knowledge of React & React Native. Motivated to learn, grow and excel.
React Native
Redux persist
Redux with Saga middleware
The Most Amazing...

....I've developed a web app for online medical consultation through which patients can consult a doctor.

Interest & Expertise
Interest & Expertise
  • Web Development
  • Dashboard application
  • User interface
  • Problem solving
Frontend Framework & Library
HTML / CSS, JavaScript, C++
Backend Framework & Library
State Management
Cloud Services
Firestore, MongoDB Atlas
Event Management App.
A mobile and web app to monitor and record Pilots timesheet.
Description : Created a versatile mobile application using Flutter and a web application utilizing ReactJS and TypeScript to effectively oversee critical events. These applications empower users to initiate events within designated geofences, triggering immediate notifications and alarms to all nearby individuals. Furthermore, the system includes automated alerts to law enforcement and medical personnel, enabling swift responses to incidents involving attacks on buildings, organizations, schools, or places of worship.
The applications also integrate live location tracking for police and medical responders, ensuring their rapid deployment to the scene. Additionally, victims or individuals in need of assistance can engage in video or audio calls directly within the app to request help or report their situation, streamlining the process of obtaining aid during emergencies.
Tech Stacks: Flutter, ReactJs, Typescript, Agora web RTC engine for video call, Location tracking algorithm, Firebase Crashlytics & Messaging, AWS S3, Django, Postgres, Kubernetes, Azure microservices
Appointment Scheduling Web application
A responsive web application that helps to schedule appointments with others according to their available time slots on a particular date, and also keeps track of your scheduled appointments. It is developed using React JS and data management is done with Redux-saga and the database used is MySQL
Web App for Online Medical Consultation
This application is a multi-party video application built for telehealth solutions, like remote interaction of doctors and patients. Through this patients can directly take an appointment with the doctor and have a consultation with them. This application has realtime-chat communication, interactive waiting rooms for patients and doctors who can send invitations via email and SMS. Technologies used: React JS, MaterialUI, Twilio, Firebase, Express