Samarth Goel

Samarth Goel

Senior Software Engineer - I
An enthusiastic developer who works in cross-functional teams closely with product managers, designers, testers, and senior engineers in agile sprints. I am well versed in the development, debugging, deployment, documentation, and post-deployment bug fixes of apps. I like to explore new techs and tech articles.
React Native
The Most Amazing...

....thing I have done is Refactored, modularised, and updated legacy codebases to modern standards. Mentored junior developers to support client projects. Managed workload between developers and ensured smooth interaction in a team with 50+ people.

Interest & Expertise
Interest & Expertise
  • Frontend Development
  • Exploring New Technologies
  • Basketball and Table Tennis
  • NCC Certificate recipient in College
Frontend Framework & Library
React.js, Bootstrap, Vuejs, Material-UI, Tailwind CSS
HTML / CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript
Version Control
Git, GitLab, GitHub
Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code
State Management
Redux, VueX, Zustand
Cloud Services
Firebase, Azure, aws
Mobile Framework & Library
React Native
Query Language
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
Service Ticketing App
An app that supports Relationship Managers to aid High Net Worth Individuals in resolving their issues and raise tickets to make their life easier.
Built with React Native+Typescript and using Azure services like pub-sub, authorization, blob storage, etc. RM can initiate a conversation with the client either from App or WhatsApp. Call support in-app is also supported using Genesys. Added notification support and Dynamic navigation just like WhatsApp. Added several security features like checking if App is Jailbreaked and tracking activities through firebase analytics and crashlytics. The app is supported on Tablets and its Web version is in development.
Real Estate Investment Mobile App
US-based app to invest in real estate and earn weekly and yearly dividends on your investment and rewards on referrals.
Converted the App codebase from Vue Native to React Native + Typescript (Larger community support). Reduced dependencies by creating custom forms, charts, animations, and other UI aspects. They have used Contentful CMS to visualize data for multiple portfolios. Integrated GraphQL and AWS to fetch data from the backend. Used services like Segment (App Tracking), Plaid (Banking), Intercom (Customer Support), Sentry (Error tracking), and Sift (Fraud Detection) to scale up the App.
Stock Market App
An app generates mock stock data and displays it as a line chart to the user. Built with React Native + Typescript, this app creates random data in a particular interval for stocks and displays information pertaining to that stock. It also displays historical data (stock value on the basis of date) on a customized line chart on which a user can slide through each date.
Chat App
An app that supports real-time chatting between users.
Built with React Native + Typescript and using for real-time messaging, this app has separate configurations for backend and frontend and can be scaled up to support multiple chat rooms.
Shopping WebApp
A shopping cart web app that supports adding and deleting products from the cart. Built with Vue.js for frontend and Vuex for state management, this web app generates mock products from a mock API. A user can select and remove multiple items from the cart.
FIFA Player Recommendation Engine
A System that selects players who are best suited to replace injured players. Build with numpy to manipulate, pandas to read, and matplotlib to visualize the data, this engine cleans the CSV data and recommends players best suited to replace injured players. Numerous insights are provided by this engine such as Most preferred foot, comparison of position, distribution of wages, height, and age of players.