Mohammad Asif

Mohammad Asif

UI & UX Designer
It's great to share this with you all! As a professional UI/UX designer, I play an important role in creating user-centered designs that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.
UX Research
Wireframing & Prototyping
Web & Mobile App Designs
Visual Designing
User Interactions
User Testing
The Most Amazing...

....things that come to my mind is the design of Web pages. This is designed with both visual and minimal components in mind, and it has been praised for its sleek and futuristic UI. The page layout and immersive designs have won numerous appreciation for its design, and it has become a creative and diverse experience for me in the industry.
The best thing is binding elements with the help of components where all can handle the multiple projects and use within it.

Interest & Expertise
Interest & Expertise
  • Design Concepts/Blogs
  • Photogram
  • Football & Cricket
  • Obtaining a design certification in bachelors that project demonstrates dedication for me to craft and ability to apply design principles and practices to real-world projects. It
Design Tools
Sketch, Adobe XD, After Effects, Illustrator, Photoshop, Mobile App Design, Web Design
Prototyping, Wireframing
User Interface Design
UI Design
Visual Design
UX Design
User Research
Testing Frameworks & Library
User Testing
Stock Market App
When designing a stock market app, it's important to keep the user experience in mind. Users will likely be accessing the app on the go, so the app should be optimized for mobile devices and easy to navigate. The following are some key elements that I considered when designing the stock market app:
1. Dashboard: The dashboard provides users with an at-a-glance overview of their portfolio performance, including current holdings, performance history, and other relevant financial data.
2. Research and Tracking: The app allows users to research and track individual stocks, including detailed company information, performance data, and analyst ratings.
3. News and Insights: The app provides users with the latest news and insights on the stock market, including breaking news alerts, market trends, and expert analysis.
4. Security: It's important to ensure the app is secure, with features such as two-factor authentication and encryption to protect user data.
By incorporating these key elements into the design, I designed a stock market app that provides users with a valuable and engaging experience.

Roles and Responsibilities:
(a) User Research
(b) Competitive Analysis
(c) Design Guidelines
(d)Visual Designing & Prototyping

Tech Stacks/Tools: Figma & Photoshop
A Video Editing Tool
Designing a video editor tool can be a complex task, as it requires balancing functionality and ease of use. The following are some key elements to consider when designing the UX/UI of a video editor tool:
1. Layout: The layout is intuitive and easy to navigate. The toolbars and menus are logically organized and clearly labeled to make it easy for users to find the tools they need.
2. Timeline: The timeline is a critical part of a video editor tool. It allows users to easily arrange clips and audio tracks, with clear indicators for the start and end of each clip.
3. Preview Window: The preview window provides users with a real-time preview of their edited video, so they can see how their changes will affect the final product.

Roles and Responsibilities:
(a) User Research
(b) Visual Designing

Tech Stacks/Tools: Figma, Photoshop
Website Revamping
That's exciting! Website revamping can be a great opportunity to improve the overall design and user experience of a website. When revamping a website, it's important to keep the following elements in mind:
1. Navigation: The website's navigation should be easy to use and understand. The menu should be well-organized and intuitive, with clear labels and descriptions of each section.
2. Visual Design: The visual design of the website should be visually appealing, with a clear and consistent color scheme, typography, and use of imagery. The design should be responsive and optimized for mobile devices.
3. User Experience: The user experience should be a top priority when revamping a website. It's important to consider how users will interact with the website and ensure that the design is easy to use and navigate.

Roles and Responsibilities:
(a) UX Research
(b) Design Guidelines
(c) Visual Designs
(d) Prototyping

Tech Stacks/Tools: Figma, Mockups, Illustrator
Messenger App
That's a great experience! Designing a chat app UX/UI can be challenging, as it requires balancing functionality and aesthetics. The following are some key elements to consider when designing the UX/UI of a chat app:
1. Chat List: The chat list is the first screen users will see when opening the app. It provides users with a clear and organized list of their conversations, with options to search and filter conversations.
2. Chat Interface: The chat interface is intuitive and easy to use, with clear options for sending and receiving messages. It allows users to easily switch between conversations and view the message history.
3. Notifications: Notifications are a critical part of a chat app, as they alert users to new messages and help them stay on top of their conversations. Notifications should be clear and unobtrusive, with options to customize notification settings.
4. User Profile: The user profile is an important part of a chat app, as it allows users to manage their account settings and view their profile information. The user profile is easy to access and navigate, with clear options for editing profile information and managing account settings.
5. Security: Security is an important consideration for any chat app. This app uses encryption to protect user data, and includes features such as two-factor authentication and password reset options to ensure user accounts are secure.

Roles and Responsibilities:
(a) Research
(b) User Flow
(c) Visual Designs
(d)Responsive Designs
(e) Illustrations & Icons

Tech Stacks/Tools: Adobe XD, Photoshop
Designing an e-commerce app can be challenging, as it requires balancing functionality and aesthetics while creating a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience. The following are some key elements to consider when designing an e-commerce app:
1. Navigation: The app's navigation is easy to use and understand. The menu has been well-organized and intuitive, with clear labels and descriptions of each section.
2. Product Listings: The product listings are easy to browse, with clear and high-quality images and concise product descriptions. Users are able to filter and sort products based on their preferences.
3. Shopping Cart: The shopping cart is easy to access and use, with options to add, remove, and modify products in the cart.
4. Checkout Process: The checkout process is seamless and easy to understand, with clear steps and options for users to enter their billing and shipping information.
5. Payment Integration: The app integrates with a secure and reliable payment gateway, allowing users to easily complete their purchases using their preferred payment method.

Roles and Responsibilities:
(a) UX Research
(b) User Flow
(c) Wireframing
(d) Visual Designs & Prototyping

Tech Stacks/Tools: Figma, Photoshop, and illustrator
Admin Dashboard & UI Widgets
Designing an admin dashboard requires careful consideration of the specific needs and requirements of the system, as well as the preferences of the users who will be using the dashboard.
The dashboard presents a clear and concise overview of the system's data, with the ability to drill down into more detailed information as needed. The use of charts, graphs, and other visualizations is helpful in presenting complex data in an easy-to-understand format.

Tech Stacks/Tools: Figma, Photoshop