M Mudassir Ahmed Khan

M Mudassir Ahmed Khan

Senior Software Engineer - I
I am a Full Stack Developer specializing in the MERN stack and native mobile application development with React Native. Additionally, I possess advanced proficiency in design tools such as Figma, Illustrator, and Photoshop. By seamlessly integrating design principles with my development expertise, I consistently craft captivating applications that provide unparalleled user experiences.
React Native
The Most Amazing...

....thing I have done is I started freelancing at 15 and worked majorly on design, and branding gigs. I embraced the flexibility and freedom to work with clients from all corners of the globe. I've had the pleasure of designing visual identities for startups in Silicon Valley and painting portraits, and album art for underground music artists.
Working with international clients allowed me to expand my skill set and grow as a designer and artist. Also, started a clothing brand called Demons. I led the design, production, and manufacturing processes while managing marketing and branding.

Interest & Expertise
Interest & Expertise
  • Frontend Web Development
  • Mobile App Development
  • Art
  • Design
Frontend Framework & Library
React.js, Bootstrap, Material-UI, Tailwind CSS, Framer Motion, Web Components
HTML / CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript
Backend Framework & Library
Version Control
Git, GitLab, GitHub
State Management
Redux, Mobx, Zustand
User Interface Design
Cloud Services
Firebase, Firestore
React Native, Next.js
Heroku, Netlify, Vercel
Design Tools
Illustrator, Photoshop, Procreate
Visual Studio Code
Food Ordering App
A Global scale restaurant project having a mono repo approach and extensible business logic for both web and mobile apps, using React & React-Native.
I led the development of a major feature for the project's web and mobile app as the sole developer, creating an intuitive user interface that also served as an upsell for a specific item, significantly increasing the company's overall sales and user experience.
I have served as the primary developer on a payment feature that has a nationwide rollout for several brands.
Developed UI components for web, and mobile apps using Figma mockups and variant configurations.
Customized themes for 9 brands to maintain a consistent aesthetic.
Tech Stacks: React Native, ReactJs, NextJs, NativeBase, Bootstrap, MobX
A real-world full-stack native mobile application that allows users to select available locations to find local places to rent, popular street foods.
Tech Stacks: ReactNative, NativeBase, Zustand, Firebase, and Material UI.
A personalized note-taking app lets you create, update, and delete your notes.
A MERN stack CRUD app with authentication - Using ReactJs, React Bootstrap for frontend and NodeJs, Express for backend, and MongoDB as database.
Tech Stacks: ReactJs, React Bootstrap, NodeJs, ExpressJs, MongoDB
Login with your Google account and chat with other users in real-time. Using ReactJs, Material UI for frontend, and FireBase for backend and authentication.
Tech Stacks: ReactJs, Material UI, FireBase
An e-commerce application that allows users to sign up, place orders, and checkout. Also has a user-based dashboard with order details, order history, and user details. Using ReactJs, Zustand, RainbowUI for frontend, and Firebase for backend.
Tech Stacks: ReactJs, Zustand, FireBase