Kumar Shivam

Kumar Shivam

Senior Software Engineer - III
A backend developer with ample experience working with REST APIs, GraphQl APIs, and SQL databases like MySQL, Postgres. I love working on products to make the life of humans easy by creating tools to automate the business process, and learning new tech stacks to understand the advantages of its integration. I tend to think outside the box when it comes to architecting a solution and strive to get the best results with the designed solution. I come with a “welcome for change” attitude which helps me keep up with the latest technology trends and practices.
The Most Amazing...

....thing I have done is Built a Payroll Management System which handled salaries of over 500 employees and also handled taxes and other deductions and generated appropriate reports.

Interest & Expertise
Interest & Expertise
  • Database Design (SQL)
  • Microservice Architecture
  • Web App Development
  • Writing Scalable Code
  • Making good use of SOLID Principles
  • Large Scale DevOps
  • Content Creation - Like Talk Shows
  • Message Queueing systems
  • SQL
  • GraphQL
  • API Life Cycle Management
  • GraphQl APIs
  • Won 1st Place on tech-hackathon organized by GeekyAnts
  • Won 1st Place State Level Debate Competition
  • Participated in State and National level Hackathons
  • Team Lead in College Fest
  • Built our College Website
Backend Framework & Library
Laravel, Express.js, MoleculerJS
MySQL, MongoDB
HTML / CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Java, C++, TypeScript
Version Control
GitLab, GitHub, Bitbucket
Project Management
JIRA, Trello
Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code
CSS pre-processor
Frontend Framework & Library
Cloud Services
Firebase, Azure, aws, Minio
Android Studio
Shell Script
Bash, ZSH
Spring Boot
Customer Care Application with Calling and Chat support
This project is all about an end to end journey of a customer. This project supports both chatting and calling functionalities. We created our custom IVR’s for the customer journey flow, GraphQL API to control all the basic to advanced calling features such as hold/unhold, mute/unmute, transfer, conference, preview callback, and precision routing. For chat we have created advanced chat features such as transfer chat to another agent and we have used our custom pub-sub architecture.
E-commerce Website with Rental Flow
This project is all about an end-to-end journey of a customer on an e-commerce website. We have used Shopify APIs for catalog management and we have built our own module to support the rental flow. We have integrated the Razorpay API for payment integration.
In this project, we have used Express.js, Postgres, Hasura, Docker, and GraphQl.
Payroll Processing Portal
This project was all about calculating and processing the salary of all the employees of an organization. We had built modules through which we could calculate the taxes and deductions in bulk and also generate appropriate reports for approval. We have also built modules for loan management and processing the life cycle of appraisals for an employee.
Used Laravel Framework, CSS, Bootstrap, MySQL, and REST API.
HR Management Portal
This project deals with managing the complete life cycle of an employee from onboarding to deboarding. We built modules like attendance management, leave management, and timesheet management. Shift and shift allowance management, reimbursements, CTC and Non-CTC bonus management, and much more. Integrated Zoho Platform with the HR Portal to extend its capability and increase scale with ease.
Used ZOHO API, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
Expense Management Portal
This project deals with handling end-to-end expenses for a company. We built a budget lifecycle to create a budget and track all the expenses against the set budget. We built modules like PO Management and Credit Card Management. Integrated with ICICI APIs to deal with and handle all the inward and outward payments related to an expense.
Project Management Portal
This project deals with handling the project life cycle from project onboarding to project completion. We built modules for resource management, invoice management using Zoho Books APIs, maintaining timesheets against each resource per project, notification service on leaves, invoices, etc to the client
Employee Rewards System
This project dealt with a peer-to-peer rewarding system with a virtual currency and a wallet using XOXO APIs.