Gilbish Kosma

Gilbish Kosma

Senior Software Engineer - I
I am a full-stack developer with experience in various backend (SpringBoot, Django, Express) and frontend (ReactJS, NextJS, Gatsby) frameworks. I am good at learning new technologies and working on them. I have a creative mindset and a strong determination to do my best in the workload.
The Most Amazing...

....thing I have done is I have created a puzzle game where the player must cross the maze from one end to another. The size of the game was under 13kb, it has been made using javascript for the online competition JS13kgames.

Interest & Expertise
Interest & Expertise
  • Exploring New Things in Technology
  • Scalable Architecture
  • Personality Development
  • Got 1st position in the college level SIH Hackathon
  • Got 86th Position in the Online Game Development Contest JS13kgames
Node.js, Python, Django, Spring Boot
Frontend Framework & Library
React.js, Bootstrap, React, Gatsby
Backend Framework & Library
JavaScript, Java, C++
Version Control
GitLab, GitHub, Bitbucket
IntelliJ, Visual Studio Code, Jupyter Notebook, Sublime
Cloud Services
AWS S3, aws, Firebase Storage
State Management
React + Redux, Context
User Interface Design
React MUI
React Native, Next.js
Shell Script
Bash, Mongosh
Money Transfer App
In this project, a user from outside of India can send money to any Indian bank account. Users can do wallet-to-wallet transfers or can also choose to send money directly to an Indian bank account. I have worked on the backend of this project, the backend was in Express, and we had to refactor the code of this app, this app contains 20k+ users.
Tech Stacks: Express, Node, Javascript
Uber Clone
Currently working on this project. It’s an Uber clone-like app. The stack is Spring Boot. We built it from scratch, All the schema design, Architecture design, App flow, fare estimations of rides and other features of the app. We followed the Microservices architecture in this app.
Tech Stacks: Spring Boot, Java
Seat Management App
An MVP of the seat management app that helps employees to book their seats/meeting rooms/other amenities in the office. Using this app, an employee can book seats where he/she wants to sit. A user with the role of Admin can generate a floor map using a canvas.
Features of the app:
1. Listing the Building and Floors
2. Employees can book a seat or modify the booking details
3. Employees can see if the booking is confirmed or rejected
4. Admins can generate floor maps or buildings
5. Admins can confirm the bookings done by employees
Tech Stacks: SpringBoot, Java, React
Hotel Booking App
It’s an app similar to Airbnb, in which users can see the lists of hotels and can book the hotel using the website. We used microservices architecture in this project, the project was divided into 4 services: UserService(Auth part), PaymentService, DataSeeder Service (to seed hotel data in our app), and search composite Service (to search hotels).
Tech Stacks: SpringBoot, Java