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Mar 17, 2025

Setting Up Traefik Proxy with Docker Compose: A Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how to install and configure Traefik Proxy in Docker Compose. Set up entry points, enable service discovery, and use the Whoami container for debugging.
Setting Up Traefik Proxy with Docker Compose: A Step-by-Step Guide
Faiz Ahmed Farooqui
Faiz Ahmed FarooquiPrincipal Technical Consultant.

In this post, I'll show you how to install Traefik Proxy — the cloud native application proxy in our Docker Compose file and utilize it in our architecture with a sample service container. Traefik Proxy was discussed in my previous post — How much do you know "Traefik" proxy?

As a baseline, I'm assuming you're familiar with Docker and Docker Compose files.

Let's get started —

Docker Compose

  • Add the following content to your docker-compose.yml file

Details (of the content mentioned in Docker Compose file)

  • Replace localhost with your own domain or sub-domain in service container whoami
  • Run docker-compose.yml file by using the command docker-compose up -d
  • Your server should be up and running. Visiting http://localhost:1337/whoami, will show you all request headers
  • I'm using Traefik's whoami service as an example, it is a tiny Go server that prints os information and HTTP request to output

  • The above mini snapshot shows how we define entry point in Traefik
  • This allows us to "open and accept" HTTP traffic

  • The above mini snapshot shows how we configure & expose Traefik's API and Dashboard.
  • By default, Traefik will listen on port 8080 for API requests
  • This is a fully optional step; we may disable the Dashboard and secure APIs if you do not want to.

  • To enable and customise the log and it's level, we can use the command as mentioned above
  • Accepted values, in order of severity - DEBUGINFOWARNERRORFATAL & PANIC

  • To enable docker as a providers for Traefik configuration, we set the value as true against providers.docker
  • If we want to enable all the service containers within the docker-compose file, we can set the value as true against providers.docker.exposedbydefault
  • But, I'd recommend to not expose all service containers unless really needed
  • If choose to not explicitly expose all your service containers, then you'd need to enable each container service by setting traefik.enable as true
  • To allow request only from your predefined entry point, we set traefik.http.routes.whoami.entrypoint with the name value we defined in our traefik service - in our case, it is web


traefik dashboard

Traefik Dashboard's Routers List

traefik dashboard routers list

Whoami Service Container

whoami service container


After reading this article, you will have a fundamental grasp on how to setup Traefik Proxy in your Docker Compose with a service.

And I strongly advise everyone to have the "traefik/whoami" service container ready for debugging request headers if something goes wrong.

Source: This blog is authored by Faiz Ahmed, Principal Technical Consultant at GeekyAnts. Originally published on Hashnode: Read here.

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