Mar 17, 2021

International Women's Day 2021 with GeekyAnts

GeekyAnts for #ChooseToChallenge on Women's Day 2021
International Women's Day 2021 with GeekyAnts
Siri Kaliparambil
Siri KaliparambilTechnical Content Writer

“Though we tremble before uncertain futures. may we meet meet illness, death and adversity with strength and may we dance in the face of fears”- Gloria Andalzua

Above is a quote that my favourite author has lived by and a quote that is the embodiment of the theme for Women’s Day 2021- #ChooseToChallenge. The relevance of the words above in today’s world and especially for the theme concerned is massive. An eminent feminist of her times, Gloria went on to defy the odds and show how a hispanic misfit, facing cultural and gender biased odds, has gone on to accomplish what was thought to be impossible and carved a nook for herself and the women after her. Her words are a reminder to the young women of today to inspire and challenge themselves and the world around them.

March 8th of every year has been celebrated as International Women’s Day. This day has a lot of significance for modern women worldwide, as it is a day for them to celebrate themselves, reflect on the changes that have been brought in and revolutionize society as it stands. With the leading women of the world taking the stage and speaking about women’s rights, the world is a different place from what it has been, even ten years ago.

Workplaces are advocating for hiring more women, are vocal about their rights and are ensuring a safe professional environment with the necessary benefits. While receiving a surprise gift on Women’s Day was the peak of the day for the women of GeekyAnts, that’s not all there is! At GeekyAnts, we have always followed a policy of gender inclusion and impartiality by checking into multiple areas such as equal remuneration, facilities for women and other benefits. To be able to work in a workplace which truly cares and offers a collaborative community, is what has made it a pleasure to be a part of the company. Over the course of time, it has been the GeekyAnts’ understanding that a reassuring and an inclusive culture, that is intrinsically present, has brought together the community as well as facilitated a better understanding of the women’s needs at the workplace.

"GeekyAnts facilitates an atmosphere for smooth growth and advance. I am constantly reminded of the fact that I am the vessel of my own success and that I have a voice that will be heard whenever there is a need" - Megha Kumari, Director, UI/UX Design

Women empowerment is not just a movement for the Ants, it's the essence of who we are. The institution has gone above and beyond to interject their support for women’s rights into their many policies. Some of them are:

  1. The provision of transport to ensure security for women working post 7 PM on office grounds.
  2. Stringent anti-sexual harassment policies with an approachable council to work on any problems or incidents related to harassment at the workplace.
  3. Women have the option of availing any equipment they need (example: dongle), in the case of late working hours, where they might have to resume their work at home.
  4. Referring a women employee who has been on the payroll for at least 12 months entitles one to avail double the bonus amount. 
  5. An in-house nursery gives mothers the confidence that their children are in a safe and stimulating environment while they work.
  6. A 26 week maternity paid- leave policy gives expectant and new mothers the benefit of taking some time off to bond with their blessing, whilst ensuring that they can resume their career post this period.

“It has been a fantastic experience to learn and grow in a close-knit community like GeekyAnts. As the management is woman supportive, this encourages new joinees and other women employees and provides them a ladder to climb up.” - Aswathy Anil, Vice President, Sales and Business Development

Due to the prevailing pandemic, we might have not celebrated the day with as much pomp but the spirit of feminism was in our hearts as we recognised the ‘day of the woman’. This year, we extend our wishes and regards to every woman in the world along with the message that there is no definition to what a woman can be. As Brian Tracy had once rightfully said- “Make your life a masterpiece; imagine no limitations on what you can be or have to do.” So, own it and enjoy the privilege of being a woman, not just on a particular day, but each day of your life with the absolute and infallible self-recognition that you’ve got everything to take the world in your stride!

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