Flutter Interact: Viewing Party 2019

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The Flutter team at Google never fails to amuse and bring the community closer at every opportunity. With the final month of 2019, the Flutter team threw together an event on a global scale which invited the Flutter community around the globe to come together and innovate.
Flutter Interact was held on 11th December, 2019 at the BKLYN Studios in New York, with global community representatives joining in locally through live stream from all over the world. The event was aimed at getting community members in touch with industry peers, bringing the latest scoop on Flutter out in the light and innovating together with workshops and most importantly, share experiences.
We, at GeekyAnts, collaborated with GDG, Bangalore to do our part and bring the local community together and facilitate making them a part of this event. We hosted the Flutter Interact: Viewing Party on 14th December, 2019 to bring all the goodness of Flutter Interact and share it with the community.
Not just that. We also had our own lineup of talks and activities to give people the spotlight and allow them to share things that they have been doing as a member of the Flutter gang.
Ruchika Gupta took the stage and talked about her journey with Flutter, her experiences and Flutter’s rise to stardom in the past year. She looked back at Flutter being in its initial stages and how it rose to stare its competitors in the face in a short amount of time.
Following her talk, there were slots for the community to come up and share their experiences or talk about their work in Flutter.
Naveen was the first one to stand behind the podium and talk about his app called ‘Gold Lane’ which is completely built in Flutter. It is an e-commerce app for gold and jewellery. He explained the technical intricacies of his app and how he built it, as well as the salient features of the app.
Next was Hasnen Tai, who showcased his app called ‘Book A Book’ in a similar fashion. Book A Book is a book rental/purchase app made by Hasnen himself in whatever time he gets from his day job, which is being an associate software engineer at Toshiba.
Another flash talk by Rakshith who is a student right now, deserved a highlight. He created an app called ‘Arc Space’ which helps with operations management in construction. He explained the concept behind the app and the front-end as well as the back-end.
Amongst all these talks, the Flutter Live event was streamed and the attendees were given a pseudo-experience of being there, with pizza and drinks while the experts from the Flutter team shared what to expect in the Flutter roadmap.
Events cannot get any bigger than this and it was an unforgettable moment for the attendees as well as all Flutter enthusiasts around the globe. I think the power team at Google did achieve what they set out to do and they did it in the grandest of fashion. We were honoured to play hosts at such an event and we can’t wait to see what next year will bring to the Flutter ecospace.
Check out the videos of this event here
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