Dec 23, 2019

React For Business 2019

Business & Technology With All Things React
React For Business 2019
Digvijay Wanchoo
Digvijay WanchooMarketing & Communication Manager

React Native has always been looked at from a perspective of a great framework to build apps in, but under the radar, it has also been an excellent base to build businesses on.

As a much needed change, GeekyAnts hosted the first ever ‘React For Business’ meet-up at the GeekyAnts office on 7th December, 2019. The goal of this meetup was simple. To get like-minded people in a single room and discuss React Native as a business prospect, while chilling over some food and drinks.

Sanket Sahu, CEO, GeekyAnts & Aswathy Anil, Vp, Sales & Business Development stood tall on the stage to talk about the company and share the agenda of the day with the attendees. They then proceeded to introduce the first speaker of the day on stage.

Vaishali Anand, BD Executive at GeekyAnts, shared her views on The Role of Open Source Contributions in Scaling our Business. Working in Business Development first hand, she explained how open source contributions and projects bring visibility in a market that is competitive and put forward GeekyAnts as an example of a company that shined bright using such an approach. 

This informative talk bled into a break which left people to network and get to know each other. There were snacks and drinks to keep their energy levels up as the first panel discussion of the day was on the charts.

Sanket Sahu, Gaurav Guha & Vishwanath Shankar, Software Engineer, GE Oil & Gas were the panelists in conversation on Making Your Business ‘React’ive. Some amazing ideas were shared within the room as they answered questions such as if React is a good framework to build startups on and how React makes businesses more efficient. With good input from the crowd, it was established that React Native indeed still holds the ground on which new startups can emerge.

Next up was another panel discussion led by Aswathy on the topic The Future of React & React Native which involved Dipjot Singh, Kiran Abburi & Varsha Saha. The panel talked about what the future holds for React & React Native and its possible alternatives. The conversation also led to a borderline React Native vs. Flutter discussion which, as always, led to truce.

React for Business was a one of a kind meet-up within itself and it proved to be helpful and insightful on a multitude of levels. I believe that it is important to look into such aspects of businesses and technology as well and not leave them unnoticed, and with how React For Business proved to be, it is bound to make a grand return.

Check out the videos of the event here ->

Until then…



I am  I love video games and decimating lives with humorless puns. I’ve moved up in life as an A. Manager, Marketing & Communications at GeekyAnts but I shall still be your source for all updates on the GeekyAnts creative colony.

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