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Sep 23, 2021

Does Your Business Need An App?

An article elaborating why every business needs an app to stay relevant in the digital age
Does Your Business Need An App?
Siri Kaliparambil
Siri KaliparambilTechnical Content Writer

While web apps have been around for quite some time, the turn of the decade saw a paradigm shift with mobile apps becoming the new norm. People spend quite a bit of time on their phones now and having a mobile app for your business opens up a new channel of communication to market your products and services. Having a digital presence also helps business owners to improve the visibility of their brand while also enabling them to reach out to a larger demographic as geographic boundaries cease to be a limitation.

It's not only the large corporations that have started adopting applications as we have reached the turn of the century, you’ll notice that even smaller businesses have started foping the same just to keep up with the cut-throat competition present in the competition. This article is an exploration on why your business needs an application and why you should consider having one designed ASAP, if you haven't already. Read on to know the benefits that having a mobile app can have on your business:

Brings in a unique flair to the business

While globalisation might have brought in multiple benefits to consumers with them now being able to have access to products and services from all over the world, this might not be the same case for business owners. They now have a new problem to deal with- the relentless competition which makes it critical for entrepreneurs to ensure that their brand is standing out for it to be a true success. Having a mobile app equips business owners with the arsenal to do just that as they can now add unique touches to their application to make it appeal more to their target audience.

Increases the visibility of the brand

Having an app for your business is one of the best ways to increase the visibility of your brand which in turn increases profitability through better return on investments. How does this work? It is a known fact that the normal human being spends quiteman exhaustive amount of time on their phone and this is a fact that businesses can leverage to improve their brand visibility. Establishing a mobile app is an excellent way to improve the presence of your brand by making it more recognizable as customers are unconsciously exposed to the app, logo etc. every time they unlock their phone.

Improve on customer loyalty

The experience that you deliver to your customer ultimately determines the kind of relationship that you build with them and interact with them going ahead. Apps allow you to offer various programmes which can be extremely instrumental in garnering loyalty from your customers. For example, you can provide incentives in the form of coupons to customers every time they make a purchase which they can use to encash at a later turn. Not only does this add more value for the customer, but there’s a higher chance that your business will encounter recurring sales from returning customers.

Enhances the quality of communication with customers

Communication is the essence of the relationship that you have with your customers and this in turn is tantamount to how they react to your company and its offering. Designing a mobile app for your business opens many doors as you are now accessible digitally to customers around the clock. Not only that, applications let you present your company and its information much more effectively which in turn gives users a better understanding of the vision and the mission behind your business. Moreover, you can also improve on customer service which can be implemented through the provision of a chatbot for increased efficiency.

Increased sales through better customer satisfaction

Now that we have discussed how having an app improves customer satisfaction by providing them an enhanced interactive experience, did you know that this can have a direct impact on the profitability of your business? It has been observed that customers generally react to how they’re being attended to and providing them a sublime experience through the app can help you to boost sales and expand your business in the long term. Moreover, you can also assess customer’s reaction to your products through online surveys on the app based on the results of which you can determine how to market your products better.


Mobile apps are a saving grace for businesses in today’s age and it is important for forward-thinking entrepreneurs to take advantage of the latest tech trends to boost their sales and streamline their operations, all while staying relevant digitally. Using mobile apps, you can now offer a personalised experience to appeal to your customers on an individual basis, which in turn can catapult you leaps ahead of your competitors

Hope this article has helped you to understand the advantages of having a mobile app and the advantages it can have for your business! If you have plans of getting one built, reach out to us here.

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