Arpit Kumar

Arpit Kumar

Software Engineer - II
I am a backend developer skilled in Java with expertise in Spring Boot having experience in building REST as well as GraphQL APIs. From designing efficient databases to implementing secure APIs, I ensure seamless functionality and optimal performance. With a passion for clean code and problem-solving, I strive to deliver reliable and scalable solutions that meet the needs of modern digital landscapes.
The Most Amazing...

....thing I have done is while developing a ride booking app created a feature that sends ride requests notifications exclusively to nearby drivers. If a driver does not respond or accept the request, the notification will be sent to drivers within a slightly larger radius.

Interest & Expertise
Interest & Expertise
  • Object Oriented Programming (OOPs)
  • REST & GraphQL APIs
  • Database Design (SQL)
  • Microservice Architecture
  • Writing Scalable Code
  • Exploring New Technologies
  • Led my house team in various sports and secured 1st position in Cricket and Football in Inter House Tournament
  • Secured 4th position in LAN gaming contest
MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, Postgres, Apache Cassandra
Node.js, GraphQL, Spring Boot
HTML / CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Java, C, C++
Version Control
Git, GitLab, GitHub
Project Management
Frontend Framework & Library
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
Postman, Insomnia
Kubernetes, Azure DevOps
Cloud Services
aws, Firebase Cloud Messaging(FCM), Microsoft Azure
Shell Script
Visual Studio Code, Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA
Testing Tools
Queuing Services
RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka
Testing Frameworks & Library
Customer Care App
Worked as a backend developer with tech stack spring boot. This application was about customer support where customers can interact with the support team through chat and voice where I develop several APIs for chat and stats, also in terms of testing and code coverage I worked on Junit and Mockito frameworks to get the code coverage to 96%. Additionally worked on the bug fixes related to the voice aspect.
Role & responsibility :- Backend developer
Tech Stacks :- Frontend - React-Native, Backend - Spring Boot
Ride Booking App
Worked on the development of the backend of a taxi app that offers users a convenient way of traveling on two wheels and zipping through city traffic. This application has three main features such as Ride Now, Ride Later, and Package Delivery. Users can book an immediate bike ride or schedule a ride for later in advance. Users can also opt for a package delivery option to ensure a safe pickup and drop facility.
Role & responsibility :- Backend developer
Tech Stacks:- Frontend - Flutter, Backend - Spring Boot
Blog Application
Created several APIs for the Blog Application, including user authentication and authorization and functionality for creating, updating, deleting, and publishing blog posts. To ensure security and enable distributed logging, Integrated Spring Security and RabbitMQ respectively.
Role & responsibility :- Backend developer
Tech Stacks:- Spring Boot
Movie Recommendation System
Developed a content-based movie recommendation system that predicts the top similar movies. Content-based systems recommend movies that are similar to ones a user has watched before, based on features such as genre, director, actors, and plot keywords.
Role & responsibility :- Full stack developer
Tech Stacks:- HTML, CSS, Python