Adeel Faridi

Adeel Faridi

Senior Software Engineer - I
I am a technology enthusiast who is always giving his best to make software that is going to make lives easier for humans. Currently striving to be an all-around developer by learning new technologies like React.js, React Native, Next.js, Python
React Native
Browsers Extensions
The Most Amazing...

....thing I have done is, build a mobile application with react native even tho I never heard about it before. After seeing the syntax of react native for the first time, I quickly realized it was almost React and said yes to the project and delivered it within the time frame.

Interest & Expertise
Interest & Expertise
  • Web App Development
  • Writing Scalable Code
  • Architecturing web Code Design
  • Making good use of SOLID Principles
  • Micro Frontends
  • Web Applications
  • Open Source Contribution
  • Chess
  • Browser Extensions
  • Employee of the year 2021 in my previous organization
  • Won in-office-chess-tournament
  • Secured second place in office-TT-tournament
Node.js, Python
Frontend Framework & Library
React.js, JQuery, Wordpress, Three.js, Tensorflowjs, 3D-react-fiber
HTML / CSS, JavaScript, PHP, C
Backend Framework & Library
Express.js, FastApi, Langchain
Version Control
GitLab, GitHub
Project Management
JIRA, Trello
State Management
Redux, Redux Saga, Thunk
IntelliJ, Visual Studio Code, Jupyter Notebook, Sublime
React Native
Android Studio, X-Code
Heroku, Netlify, Custom
Shell Script
Bash, Mongosh, MySQL CLI
Cloud Services
Cloud Firestore, Firebase Storage, Firebase Messaging
AI Persona
In addition to the MERN stack and integrating Stripe for payment processing, our web application utilizes OpenAI's advanced language models to bring designers, researchers, and marketers' personas to life. By leveraging stream data technology similar to that used by ChatGPT, users can chat with these AI-powered personas and prompt them to generate narratives.
Technologies: MERN, Nginx, Aws, Langchain
This Diagramming application will allow you to create flow charts on a whiteboard or grid, map an IT network or build an organizational chart, etc on the web itself.
Technologies : ReactJs, CSS, HTML, FabricJs
A web application that enables you to pay your utility recharges and apply and track your own metro cards with automatic bill payments built on top of Vanilla JavaScript HTML and CSS. I solely built this web application.
Technologies : Vanilla JS, CSS, HTML, PHP, JAVA,MySQL
NeuPay 2.0
Building the whole NeuPay web application in Reactjs and Python. This application surpasses its initial version in every way. It was faster to load and gave a smooth UX to users. The server is built on Nodejs which was connected to another service of JAVA and it p2p (peer to peer) relationship between Node and JAVA.
Technologies : Reactjs, CSS, HTML,NodeJS, JAVA,MySQL, MongoDB.
Internal Mobile Application for Railways
Mobile Application For IRCTC to track down their statistics with the full support of cloud messaging services like push notifications. Built on top of React Native, Nodejs, and Firebase. I solely designed and built this application.
Technologies : React Native,NodeJS, JAVA, MongoDB, and Firebase-Messaging.
Web CRM For Railways PG
Customer relationship management web application built on top of Nextjs Nodejs and Java. This application lets operation teams manage the user’s info on IRCTC.
Technologies : NextJs,CSS, HTML,NodeJS, JAVA, MognoDB,MySQL.