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Geek Speaks at GeekyAnts

We believe in sharing our knowledge with everyone and that is exactly what we do in our weekly internal geek-speak. Watch our geek speaks below and learn new things with our geeks.
Jan 10, 2023

Rapid Usability Testing

Your application's design plays a major role in defining how usable the app is going to be. The user experience significantly depends on the way the UI and the UX of an app are designed. But sometimes, a seemingly good UX, or even a UX backed by a significant research, doesn't perform as well as it is supposed to be. And, in such a situation, getting to the root of the problem is very important, since it hampers the platform, and by extension, the company's performance. Usability testing the answer to this situation. While, there are various ways to conduct usability testing, in this episode of GeekSpeak, Soma Raj Laxmi, UI/UX Trainee, talks about Rapid Usability Testing. She gives a brief overview of the method, and talks about its advantages, need and how to actually conduct the same.
Soma Raj Laxmi
Jan 6, 2023

Isolates in Dart & Flutter

As advanced as the applications are these days, they stand to offer a lot of functionality, even for heavy tasks. But, running such a heavy task can often affect the fluidity of the UI of the app. So what's the solution here? The solution is to create a separate isolate, to execute the heavy task. In this episode of GeekSpeak, Sahil Garg, Software Engineer - I, discusses, all there is about isolates in Dart and Flutter.
Sahil Garg
Jan 3, 2023

Understanding Android

Today, Android is one of the most, or rather among the top two most popular operating systems for touchscreen based devices such as mobile phones and tablets. But, what exactly does it look like under the hood? And what are the key aspects of it, as an OS, that you need to know about, in order to be able to develop better applications for it? In this session of GeekSpeak, Gaurabh Chakraborty, QA Lead, GeekyAnts, answers all these questions, and more. He talks about Android, from its very initial days, to where it stands today, and what does that mean for the developers.
Gaurabh Chakraborty
Dec 22, 2022

Integrating REST API with GraphQL

Over the past decade or so, REST has become the standard for designing web APIs, but the main caveat here is that it is slow. GraphQL, in contrast, is a faster alternative, but has a list of limitations of its own. So which one should you use? Our geek Yogeshwaran Ramesh, Senior Software Engineer, GeekyAnts, says, both! In this episode of GeekSpeak, he will explain how you can call REST APIs from a GraphQL client, and have the best of both worlds.
Yogeshwaran Ramesh
Dec 13, 2022

Supabase - An Open Source Firebase Alternative

Firebase is one of the most widely used backend platforms for backend app development, as well as hosting. While it is a fairly capable platform, there are instances where the features offered by it are just not enough. And that's where an alternative such as Supabase comes handy. It has many advantages over Firebase, with the key one being that it is open source, hence there's zero lock-in.
Rohit Agarwal
Dec 5, 2022

Understanding Principles of Design in Visual Design

Principles of Design are a few sets of rules that a designer can follow to make a visual composition (e.g. UI or graphic design deliverable) more aesthetically appealing. It also focuses on the accessibility and usability aspect of a visual composition.
Zaid Uddin Haider
Nov 18, 2022

Affordances and Signifiers

When designing any product, be it physical or digital, affordances play a major role in enabling the users to use the product, the way it was intended to, without any instructions. And signifiers, help make the affordances prominent enough for the users to not miss them. In this episode of GeekSpeak, Rati and Harshita talk about affordances and signifiers and explain their significance in the final product's UI/UX.
Rati Agarwal
Nov 15, 2022

Rethinking React Native Architecture

React Native usually uses the bridge architecture to enable the native code to interact with the JavaScript code. JSI (JavaScript Interface) stands to totally eliminate the need for a bridge. In this episode of GeekSpeak, Darshan Ponikar, Software Engineer - I, GeekyAnts, talks about JSI, it;'s advantages over the bridge architecture, and explains its implications for the devs.
Ponikar Darshan Janardan
Nov 8, 2022

Introduction to Spring Boot

You may have heard of Spring Boot, but what exactly is it? In this episode of GeekSpeak, Kunchok Tashi, software engineer III, gives an introduction to Spring Boot, explains about its installation, lists down its features and components.
Kunchok Tashi
Oct 19, 2022

Severpod - Backend solution in Dart

Serverpod, a web and app server, that allows you to write the server-side code in Dart. This makes it built, exclusively for the Flutter ecosystem. In this episode of GeekSpeak, Rohit Agarwal, Software Engineer - III, GeekyAnts, talks about Serverpod, explains how to install it, lists down its characteristics, and in the ens discusses its future.
Rohit Agarwal
Oct 10, 2022


We, at GeekyAnts, are always experimenting, especially with any new tech that we manage to get our hands on. Twitter offers Spaces, a live audio conversation platform, where people can schedule and hold online chat sessions, which anyone can join. The idea really struck our geeks, and they decided to give it a whirl. And the result is speekup: A live-conversation platform inspired by Twitter Spaces. In this video, Asmit Srivastava and Ashish Gour talk about speekup, the idea behind it, and how it was developed.
Ashish Rajesh Gour
Jul 27, 2022

Mobile App Instrumentation

With a majority of users using mobile as their primary device, to browse the internet, the need for mobile applications to perform well is now more than ever. In this GeekSpeak session, Gaurabh talks about the various factors that are important to mobile apps, how they affect the performance of the apps and what can be done to fix those, for a delightful experience.
Gaurabh Chakraborty