May 5, 2022

GeekyAnts Partnered With A Leading Restaurant Operator

We partnered with a full-service restaurant industry leader to create an unparalleled digital presence.
GeekyAnts Partnered With A Leading Restaurant Operator
Charmy Dafda
Charmy DafdaTechnical Content Writer

Happiness is doubled when shared, and that’s precisely why we are delighted to share this new development with you. We recently partnered with a multi-brand restaurant operator to enhance and develop their web and mobile solutions. Along with owning and operating over 1,800 restaurants and serving more than 320 million guests annually, they were looking forward to reclaiming their station on the digital front.

They required an enhanced web app with reusable and responsive components for both web and mobile apps, new screens, and a revamped frontend. Additionally, they needed a fresh food ordering mobile application that provided a dynamic user experience created with NativeBase, that helps developers build universal design systems. They were on a search for a web and mobile app development company with first-hand knowledge of building creative and interactive web and mobile solutions.

After rounds of discussions, we accorded to a collaboration. We are now looking forward to completing all the upcoming web and mobile app development phases and creating solutions that help our partner provide a superior digital experience to their customers. We are thrilled to be a part of their success story.

Book a Discovery Call.



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