GeekyAnts Enters The Realm of Web3

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We are eager to talk about our endeavors with Web3 with you while it takes over the world slowly but steadily.
How Are We Receiving Web3?
GeekyAnts is right on its path to acknowledging the shift towards and welcoming Web3. We are excited about Web3 because it offers increased privacy, security, transparency, and much more than the era of centralized web architecture with targeted advertising.
We have been embracing new tech since the beginning of time. We were agile with introducing and adapting to React Native. We are now welcoming Web3 with the same enthusiasm!.
Our teams are working in all spheres to ensure we do not miss any of the latest updates in Web3. It includes people from all seniority levels. Leaders, senior developers, new hires, and interns are putting in their efforts to achieve the goal of making Web3 familiar to all.
Our teams are working in all spheres to ensure we do not miss any of the latest updates in Web3. It includes people from all seniority levels. Leaders, senior developers, new hires, and interns are putting in their efforts to achieve the goal of making Web3 familiar to all.
We have a designated team of people curating and building content for Web3. We have been talking about NFTs and Metaverse extensively. We also held both online and offline Web3 meetups recently. Our speakers enlightened the curious audience about Web3. They spoke about their experiments with Web3 and tried to break many myths about Web3 in the community.
Our developers have new personal initiatives to encourage the community to adapt to the technology. Some of our developers’ current personal experimental Web3 projects include an NFT game, a combination of dating and social networking apps, an app related to the new blockchain Solana, etc. GeekyAnts is also proudly sponsoring Twinder, the social cum dating app, on Github.
What’s Next?
Our experiments are still in the preliminary stage as this is just the beginning of Web3. We are sharing our knowledge with the community. We want to dive deeper into the content space of Web3. This introductory stage will gradually proceed toward more advanced projects.
In the coming months, we will be focusing on creating and rolling out tutorials, blogs, meetups, and all forms of introductory content for Web3. We know how Web3 can transform our world and are eager to share it with everyone. We aim to build more and acknowledge more. There will be many tutorials, blogs, and meetups that you might not want to miss.
If you want to explore Web3, GeekyAnts is here to walk with you on this new journey. Stay tuned for more insights into this emerging tech.
Dive deep into our research and insights. In our articles and blogs, we explore topics on design, how it relates to development, and impact of various trends to businesses.