Jan 3, 2020

GeekyAnts Amongst Top 10 Mobile App Development Companies.

Voted as one of the best companies in Mobile App Development in Bengaluru in 2019.
GeekyAnts Amongst Top 10 Mobile App Development Companies.
Digvijay Wanchoo
Digvijay WanchooMarketing & Communication Manager

As 2019 nears its end and the holiday season is upon us, it only compels a look back at the best of the passing year and anticipation of the coming decade. 2019 was a great year for GeekyAnts and it became better towards the end. 

Clutch reviewed us as one of the top Mobile App Development companies in 2019 with an average 4.9 out of 5?.

As a little history lesson, GeekyAnts was founded back in 2006 as a Mobile and Web app development company with offices in Bangalore, which later expanded and opened up shop in London as well. With the sole purpose of delivering exceptional services, GeekyAnts marched forward in the highly competitive market of Mobile & Web App Development and is now standing at the forefront of the industry.

Since then, we have served clients belonging to all kinds of profiles. From little companies and individuals just starting up to the big names such as Google, we have spared no expense to deliver the best quality applications tailored to perfection, or almost perfection (whichever comes first)?.

But the journey to the top has not been a cake walk. Through thick and thin, we have strived to keep the quality of our work above par and have always aimed towards setting the bar, rather than working to reach it.

With an equally divided focus on services and digital experiences, we're rated as one of the proven companies in the leader's matrix that has the ability to deliver quality work in the shortest amount of time.

Our commitment to the quality of work shows in the words that our clients have had for us over the years and we want to thank them for their kindness and their amazing feedback that have been instrumental in bringing us to this level.

It's all quantified here -> https://clutch.co/in/app-developers/bengaluru

We feel extremely honored to be a part of such a prestigious list released by Clutch. It gives us immense pleasure and also motivates us to be better and keep going to keep the standard up to the expectation of the world. We also want to congratulate other members of the list for their success and wish them all the best.

2019 has been a good year for GeekyAnts and as this decade ends and ushers the beginning of a new one, 2020 is only going to be better and we can’t wait to look forward to it. 

From the GeekyAnts family to yours, a very happy new year!



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