Oct 4, 2019

The 2nd Angular Meetup, Bangalore 2019

All things Angular, from all angles.
The 2nd Angular Meetup, Bangalore 2019
Digvijay Wanchoo
Digvijay WanchooMarketing & Communication Manager

On 21st September, 2019, a very rare phenomena occurred. The last time such a chain of events took place almost two years ago, in December,2017, when a large gathering of celestial beings who love Angular changed their orbit to intersect and meet at a singular point of contact and the result was what you’d expect. Sparks flew and there was a big bang!

The second Angular Meetup was underway, organized by and hosted at GeekyAnts, Bangalore on the second last Saturday of the month. A huge group of Angular enthusiasts made their way into the premises, and they can’t be blamed. A chance to talk to similar minded people and a star lineup of amazing talks is irresistible, even to a beginner.

Sanket Sahu kicked off the show with an introduction of the company to the attendees. He walked everyone through the essence of GeekyAnts and made introductions with the house crowd.

Then he proceeded with handing over the stage to the first speaker of the day.

Manav Goel, an Engineering Manager at GeekyAnts, talked about Reactive Programming and how RxJs helps achieve that in Angular. He talked about RxJs in great depth and discussed its fundamentals and its features. He discussed building components and displayed his custom built components as examples in a live demo session. He also introduced the crown to the new IVY engine that improves functionality and optimization.

Manav’s talk opened people up with queries and questions which were addressed to in the break that followed. Snack and thoughts were flowing everywhere and people talked and started their conversations, but those thoughts had to be put on hold as the event resumed and the next speaker was introduced by Maheshwari as he took the stage.

Naman Sancheti is a front end developer at Morgan Stanley. He laid out his talk to be about Building web components using Angular Elements. With a quick introduction about Web components, he moved on to build what he calls ‘HeroDisplay’ Component using Raw API’s and Angular Elements in a live coding session, consume it in React and then discussed use cases of Web Components. He also compared the two methods of building web components and explained why Angular Elements asserts its dominance over Raw APIs.

Next up was Uday VunnamA Software Developer at WalmartLabs, he took up the opportunity to release an Angular Library in front of a live audience. From library planning to workspace setup, he coded his library live and walked the audience through every step of releasing a library in Angular and explained the importance of each step. He kept it open-source for people to check it out and contribute. What a gentleman!

Conversations continued as another break creeped its way in between. People took a breather from the awesomeness on stage and the speakers took that and spread it off-stage as well, mingling with the crowd and answering their questions. Just like that, the last speaker of the day was on stage and ready to go.

Vishwanath Shankar, a staff software engineer at GE Oil & Gas, introduced himself and a concept called Micro-frontends and achieving them using Angular. He discussed use cases for Micro-Frontends and their importance. Then he discussed the different techniques that can be used to build Micro-Frontends and delved deep into the techniques that he thinks hold better cards over the rest.

With that, the final talk of the day was done and the proceedings were brought to a close. The crowd again indulged in their left-over conversations over Pizza and beverages.

Two years later and this meet-up was as successful as the last one. Angular still is a cult classic and has devoted followers who preach it like gospel. This meet-up sure was away for a long time, but now it’s back and it’s here to stay.

Until next time…




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