React Native & Flutter Virtual Meetup, Nov 2020
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2020 is coming to a close and we could not have ended this year without hosting the classic clash of React Native & Flutter in our regular React Native + Flutter Virtual Meetup, held on 28th November, 2020 on GeekyAnts’ official YouTube channel.
The following is a summary of the things that were talked about and shared at the event:
Flutter Development For Production Usage - Nitish Sahani
Through this talk, Nitish Sahani explored and shared the little bits and pieces of important information that he has learned. Quoting Uncle Bob, he points out that the number of experienced developers is substantially less than the number of new developers at any point in time, which leads to not following the coding patterns that are set in the industry, which can lead to some serious consequences.
He then related Flutter to this fact by stating that Flutter is one of the fastest growing programming languages in the world and is very easy to learn. He concluded that it is imperative to focus on quality and standards from the very beginning. He shared some ‘must-haves’ that new developers should focus on when learning Flutter and dove into each of them in detail. He touched base on practices like clean coding, testing, environment setups etc. which will help new devs prepare better for the industry. Finally, he closed his presentation with some tips and tricks that can help enhance some process in a project and can result in a more ‘complete’ experience.
Voice Calling In React Native Using Agora - Aryan Agarwal
Aryan Agarwal, SE, talked about his experience with using Agora with React Native. Opening with a list of the endless technologies that he has worked in, he stated his intentions of guiding the viewers on how to implement Voice calling in React Native apps using Agora and hooks. Agora is an SDK that allows devs to implement voice calling, video calling, streaming and many other features in their apps. It provides high quality and ease of implementation at a very cheap price as well (it’s not free). He then proceeded to walk the viewers through each and every step of the process, all the way from installation of the SDK, creating the UI, navigating through Agora to find the settings you need and finally implementation.
Flutter Or React Native: What To Pick In 2021?
Flutter Or React Native: What To Pick In 2021?
The main event of the day came with a discussion about React Native, Flutter and their forthcomings in the year 2021. Sankhadeep Roy took the mantle of being a moderator for the goliaths in the panel, Divyanshu Bhargava & Pavan Podila on the Flutter team and Pranav Pandey & Nishan Bende on the React Native team. The following were the topics that were touched upon in the discussion:
- Defining React Native & Flutter
- Current Releases and Features
- Creator’s picture
- The process of creating Apps in Both.
The discussion started with the panelists sharing their interesting journeys with Flutter and React Native respectively, talking about their origin, how the technologies grew and how they grew with it. Flutter, as a technology, became stable before React Native, which was another topic that was touched upon. Flutter 1.24 is looking at a massive overhaul in the language runtime with the introduction of ‘nullability’ as a core feature of type, another topic that was talked about. React Native is now introducing their new engine ‘Hermes’ for iOS soon. A comparison between Flutter and Typescript was also addressed and thwarted. After a lot of back and forth, the discussion was brought to a close with all panelists stating the forthcomings that they are most excited about and their expectations from the frameworks in the future.
Watch the complete event below:
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