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Geek Speaks at GeekyAnts

We believe in sharing our knowledge with everyone and that is exactly what we do in our weekly internal geek-speak. Watch our geek speaks below and learn new things with our geeks.
Jun 21, 2023

Accessibility in Flutter

Accessibility plays a crucial role in app development, as it ensures that mobile applications are usable and inclusive for all users. It helps boost the UX aspect of the app, ensuring that the users have a pleasant time interacting with the app. In this episode of GeekSpeak, Vipul Chaurasia, Software Engineer - II shares his expert knowledge and insights on building accessible apps, and unravels various techniques, best practices, and tools that can be employed to enhance the accessibility features of Flutter apps, ensuring an optimal experience for all users.
Vipul Chaurasia
Jun 12, 2023

Mental Model for Uncontrolled Forms: Remix for Better UX/DX

Uncontrolled forms in React refer to a form implementation where the form inputs hold their own state internally, rather than being controlled by React component state. To manage them, Remix can come really handy. In this episode of GeekSpeak, Vivek Lokhande, SE - II, explains how Remix, a new full-stack web framework that lets you code the frontend and backend together in an innovative way, combining React syntax with TypeScript or JavaScript.
Vivek Sunil Lokhande
Jun 2, 2023

Flutter Gauges: A Gauge Library Package for Flutter

Data representation plays a crucial role in modern app development, providing users with meaningful insights and enhancing their overall experience. In this video, hear Hasnen Tai, Shaikh Afroz and Sahil Sharma discuss the development process, and share their insights on creating a versatile and aesthetically pleasing collection of gauge styles. From traditional circular gauges to modern linear and radial variants, the library offers a wide range of options to suit various data visualization needs.
Hasnen Fakir Tai
May 24, 2023

Introduction to Playwright: An Automation Testing Tool

Automation testing plays a crucial role in the software development lifecycle by automating the execution of tests, validating software functionality, and ensuring the quality of the application. It involves using specialized tools and scripts to simulate user interactions and compare actual results with expected outcomes. It is a cross-browser automation testing tool that can be used to test web and mobile apps. It is built on top of the Chromium engine, which means that it can be used to test any website or app that is built on top of Chromium. It can also be used to generate test data and to report on the results of tests.
Achanta Sai Raghvendra Kalyan Prakash
May 17, 2023

Using FHIR to Improve Patient Engagement

In today's rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, patient engagement has become a crucial aspect of providing quality care, as it empowers individuals to actively participate in their own healthcare journey. When patients are engaged, they become more informed, motivated, and collaborative partners in their care, leading to improved health outcomes and overall satisfaction. Sadly, that isn't what the real world figures show. And that is exactly where FHIR come into play. From personalized health records to mobile applications and interoperable health systems, Gaurav explores the diverse applications of FHIR that can significantly enhance patient engagement. Join Gaurav Porwal, ADoE, GeekyAnts, in this episode of GeekSpeak, as he discusses the transformative power of Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR).
Gaurav Porwal
May 10, 2023

Dart Frog: A Minimalistic Backend for Flutter

Flutter is a frontend framework that is used, and preferred, by developers around the world. However, when building apps, mere frontend isn't enough, backend is just as important, and conventionally the backend isn't built using Flutter or Dart. This is where, Dart Frog comes in to play. It enables Flutter and Dart devs to build backend using Flutter as well. In this video, Jeevan Chandra Joshi, Software Engineer - II, GeekyAnts, talks all there is about Dart Frog, a simple yet powerful backend framework designed specifically for Flutter apps.
Jeevan Chandra Joshi
May 2, 2023

Automated Job Opening Creator Using GPT-powered AI

The importance of hiring lies in its impact on a company's success and growth. Hiring the right people leads to a skilled workforce, promotes a positive work culture, enhances a company's reputation, and saves time and money. Developing a robust and efficient hiring process that aligns with the company's goals and values is crucial for any organization. In this episode of GeekSpeak, Vineet Dugar, Software Engineer - I, GeekyAnts, talks about his experience of working on creating an automated job opening creator using GeekyAnts very own topgeek, and ChatGPT-powered AI.
Vineet Dugar
Apr 24, 2023

How I Built A 2D Game In React Native

Flappy Bird, when launched back in 2013 became an instant success. It was a basic 2D game where you had to just touch the screen to keep the bird afloat in the air, and guide its way through obstacles. In his latest side project, our geek Darshan Ponikar, Software Engineer - I, has tried to recreate the same, in React Native. All the graphics of the game were drawn using the Skia engine, and Zustand was using to manage the state of the game. In this video, he discusses game assets and logic to help readers understand how to create a similar game, while he also walks us through the development process, including how he implemented the game mechanics, graphics, and sound effects. He also shares some insights on how he optimized the game for performance and improved the user experience.
Ponikar Darshan Janardan
Apr 19, 2023

Automated Grading of Interviews Using GPT-Powered AI

With the advancements in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies, AI-based systems can analyze and interpret human language better than ever before. One of the best use cases of this technology is automated grading of interviews. In this video, Priyamvada, Software Engineer, GeekyAnts showcases and talks about a software that she has worked on, that automates the grading of interviews. Powered by GPT, an AI language model, this software can evaluate the candidates based on their responses. She explains how it works and helps save recruiters time and effort in conducting interviews, while sharing a few insights into what lies in the future for it.
Feb 6, 2023

DApps with Flutter and Solidity

Web3 being all the hype among rising concerns for privacy and security, online, naturally makes decentralized application development a must-have skill to have. The application development process in itself isn't much different, but making it compatible with Web3, is what's new for most developers. Solidity, is the programming language that is used for the same. In this video, Alan Paul Varghese, SDE, walks you through the process of building a decentralized app, using Flutter and Solidity.
Alan Paul Varghese
Jan 24, 2023

Database Access Optimization using Django

Databases are huge stores of data that the applications need constant access to, in order to stay performant. Database access optimization refers to the process through which developers optimize the database to make its access faster, thus making the app faster. Django is a Python web framework, that can be used to optimize the database. In this episode of GeekSpeak, Vijay Anand, Co-founder, WebKnot Technologies, explains how you can execute database access optimization, using Django.
Bhushan G V
Jan 17, 2023

Flutter Web Renderers: CanvasKit vs. HTML

Web rendering, on a very basic level, refers to the process through which, the code that you've written for your app, is converted into intractable elements on a web-page, that the users can see, and take actions with. When writing your app in Flutter, you have the option two choose between two different web renderers, CanvasKit and HTML. In this episode of GeekSpeak, Uttam Kini, Software Engineer - I, talks about web rendering, the top two choices of renderers for Flutter, compares the two, and shares his thoughts on the best one, that you should go with.
Uttam Kini H