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Creating Hassle-free App Features for Medically Complex Children and Their Parents



Mobile App


Healthcare App Development Services






React Native

React Native

Key Results

24/7 Accessible Care 

Personalized virtual care and reduced hospital time 

Convenient Care from Home 

Virtual check-ins and support through chatrooms 

Faster Care Delivery 

Access to a wide network of healthcare professionals


Leading Provider of Healthcare Technology and Services

The client is popular for building cutting-edge software that helps bridge the gap between patients and an unparalleled clinical experience.

Using an AI-powered data science platform, the company leverages advanced visualization approaches like enhanced graphics and the latest cloud-based technology stacks to redefine healthcare technology.


One-stop-solution for the Healthcare Needs of Medically Complex Children

The client wanted to develop a single application for medically complex children and their parents. The app would solve the numerous challenges caregivers and families face when accessing quality healthcare facilities for their children with special needs.

Key User Challenges to Be Solved 

  • Unnecessary and time-consuming hospital trips.
  • Lack of access to proper medical support, education, and counseling.
  • High costs associated with healthcare and medical facilities.
  • Longer waiting times in sharing vital patient medical information with healthcare providers.

Interactive Healthcare App with User-centric Features

The client wanted us to contribute functionalities and screens for their application. The key parameter set was to include features that enable timely access to quality healthcare, easy appointment bookings, and record maintenance from the convenience of home.

Key Features to Be Built

  • Chat and video call functionalities for the application
  • A protected app following all security compliances
  • Seamless chat experience and a proper indication of network failures
  • Keeping voice call active even if minified or the device is locked

Ace POC. Build With Time and Material Model.

From the initial stages, the client wanted a team and a Project Manager to work on a PoC for the project. The PoC was done to test video calling and chat functionality implementation using Twilio. The PoC was successful; our team started working full-time on the application.

{"time":1687422256284,"blocks":[{"id":"IGslpyR11W","type":"header","data":{"text":"Build Process","level":3}},{"id":"ezakJ8pUEg","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"Manual using Xcode and Android Studio"}}],"version":"2.27.0"}

Build Process

Manual using Xcode and Android Studio

{"time":1687425121711,"blocks":[{"id":"cG4GIc5-bl","type":"header","data":{"text":"Methodology Used","level":3}},{"id":"4C_nOr84H3","type":"paragraph","data":{"text":"Time and Material (T&M) for better flexibility and collaboration"}}],"version":"2.27.0"}

Methodology Used

Time and Material (T&M) for better flexibility and collaboration

{"time":1687425371768,"blocks":[{"id":"rSeWrbpRxq","type":"header","data":{"text":"Execution Journey","level":3}}],"version":"2.27.0"}

Execution Journey


Authentication Flow. Security Guidelines. Coherent User-flow. 


Interactive Widget with Optimized User Flow

The project was completed within the designated timelines, and all the features planned were deployed within a short turnaround window. Implementation of the project went smoothly, and the client had no problem adopting it into their workflow.

24/7 Accessible Care 

Personalized virtual care and reduced hospital time 

Convenient Care from Home 

Virtual check-ins and support through chatrooms 

Faster Care Delivery 

Access to a wide network of healthcare professionals