Jan 22, 2020

The Animation Challenge @ GeekyAnts

The Animators In The House Rose To Glory!
The Animation Challenge @ GeekyAnts
Digvijay Wanchoo
Digvijay WanchooMarketing & Communication Manager

The words ‘Challenge’ & ‘Experiments’ are integral to the vision of GeekyAnts. We work and play by these rules and push each other to be the best. In spirit of this sentiment, we issued a challenge internally to our geeks to build the best animation they could on a mobile app using a technology of their choice.

We called it ‘The Animation Challenge’.

It was a race to present the best animation and the participants were only bound by imagination. There were no rules and regulations, just a few criteria that were set in place to follow while building animations that would blow the roof.

These criteria were:

  • Aesthetics (Does it look good?)
  • Performance (Does it respond smoothly to gestures and taps?)
  • Reusability (Can it be integrated easily with an existing app as a standalone component?)

Bonus points were up for grabs for those who would upload their animations on GitHub as a proper package with proper documentation. 

On record, 13 competitors entered the arena and were given 10 days to create a beautiful animation that would fulfill the criteria set by the organizers. The competition was tough and very close. 

After the stipulated time had passed, the animations that came out were phenomenal and it was a rollercoaster of back and forth decision making. All participants gave a demo of their animations in front of the whole organization and were applauded for their efforts and participation. The battle was on the wire and when the dust settled, a winner had emerged. 

Top Of The Ladder:


Sumant Raj won this competition with his Cred inspired card management app in Flutter. It was minimalistic, smooth like butter and very pleasing to look at. 

GitHub Link - https://github.com/raj2611/KnowYourCard

The second place went to Vikrant Singh, who built a hanging list animation in Flutter.

GitHub Link - https://github.com/vikrantsingh123/FoodOrder


Other notable submissions are as follows: 


Solar System in Web by Mukul Pahwa using Three.js

GitHub Link - https://github.com/mukul7/solar-system-model

Particle Animation on Web by Raja Jain using Flutter, Dart & Particle.js

GitHub Link - https://github.com/rajajain08/particles_flutter

3D Tunnel Animation by Abhinandan Kushwaha in React Native using AnimatedListView

GitHub Link - https://github.com/Abhinandan-Kushwaha/TunnelAnimation/




A holler to the rest of the participants with their amazing submissions

Saumya Singh

Rishab Agarwal

Manvi Sharma

Ayush Gupta

Pavan S

Sakshya Arora & Lokesh Dangi

Pushkar Kumar & Suresh Konakanchi

A huge congratulations to the winners and participants of ‘The Animation Challenge’. They stood out as connoisseurs of their respective fields and will enjoy their share of spoils of war until the next challenge arrives.

Until then…


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