Web3 Meetup - March 2022

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Know the feeling of seeing your favorite faces after a long time? All the words in the English language cannot justify it…
…and that's precisely how we felt hosting the second Web3 meetup in Bengaluru last Saturday. After nearly two and a half years of online meetups that seemed like an eternity, we were finally able to open our doors to a mix of enthusiastic community members.

This in-person meetup was a quickly planned one, and despite the odds, we had a full house, literally exceeding our expectations. We were happy to connect with people from all walks of life, including college students, tech professionals, yoga instructors, and more. It was refreshing to witness this diversity in the audience and their enthusiasm about Web3.

With such a talented and engaging audience, we are proud to say our in-house speakers also hit the bullseye. The vibe in the house was gripping, to say the least. It was a captivating event altogether, and we are thrilled to tell you all about it.

Let's get into the details.
Keynote: Sanket Sahu
Sanket, our CEO, hosted the event successfully with all his knowledge, love for new technology, and the grace that comes with it. He kick-started the event with a peppy note, quoting the cliche online seminar/meetup sentence, "Can you see my screen?". He introduced our eloquent speakers to a curious audience and invited them to witness an unprecedented exchange of knowledge and ideas.

Introduction to Web3: Pratik Yadav
Our first speaker was Pratik Yadav, Software Engineer @ GeekyAnts. It was his first time presenting Web3 on the stage, and he did not fail to impress. He introduced the audience to the fundamentals of Web3, including how it is decentralized and permissionless. He went on to explain Smart Contracts and how they worked in Web3. His elaborate yet discreet presentation describing the evolution of the Web over the years had everyone engaged at the moment.
He also explained the nitty-gritty of Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and the latest developments in Web 3.0 and what made it so different from the rest. His insights about his dynamic and evolving project called GeekCrypt. As the name might suggest, it is a platform for managing cryptos. GeekCrypt uses MetaMask wallet, which has browser extensions to send cryptos in the form of Ethereum. It allows users to access, buy and sell cryptos quickly, making even the non-tech audience connect with it globally.

Intermediary Web3 Experiments: Nischal Nikit
Next in line was Nischal, Software Engineer @ GeekyAnts. He commanded all the attention at once by starting with the exemplary topic of Web3 solutions providing pick-up lines for dating that were quite popular with the college-going audience. He made Web3 simple for every audience member to understand.
He dived into the details of how to build decentralized front-end Web3 apps, especially after working with centralized systems in Web2. He introduced us to blockchain development with solidity, function libraries, Ethereum Virtual Machine, the difference between a test network and a real network, etc. His motto was, "Web3 developers don't come from Mars. Anybody can do it, even you!"

Here, we paused the presentations for a break where everyone beamingly enjoyed some servings of pizza and beer. It also provided the audience and our organizers with an opportunity to gel up even more. After some light conversations, we resumed the last leg of the event.
The final speaker for the meetup was Viral, Software Engineer @ GeekyAnts.He successfully imparted his profound knowledge about the relatively new concepts of Web3. He enlightened the audience about his experimental projects with Web3 and was kind enough to share all its details as shared articles and tutorials. His experiments of creating a Polymarket clone for predicting financial events aimed to eradicate closed source code.
He touched upon the intricacies of his Polymarket app clone on Polygon, right from how to become a member, making funding requests, and voting for proposals. He also explained DeFi (Decentralized Finance) and the difference between DeFi and DeFi 2.0. Viewers could connect to the presentation quickly.

Unlike our previous meetups, we had a Q&A session at the end of every talk. It allowed audiences to ask subject-specific questions right when they arose and have them solved quickly too. There were some excellent questions from the audience, and our speakers were able to address the doubts and dilemmas swimmingly.

That's all, Folks!
We concluded the month of March and the financial year with this evidently successful event. We will surely meet again with a promise to discuss more new tech in the coming days. Web3 is evolving each day, and there’s a lot that we want you to catch up on.
Dive deep into our research and insights. In our articles and blogs, we explore topics on design, how it relates to development, and impact of various trends to businesses.