Built a QBasic imitation of MS-DOS to trick people with C:/> prompts at the age of 8, Sanket has come a long way since and identifies himself as an Open Source guy who loves to experiment with new tech. Lives to break it, hack it, and build it. Currently in love with React Native and Flutter. Addicted to wanderlust, wannabe backpacker and loves to strum the guitar to Ed Sheeran tunes. You can find him at events like Chain React and React Native Europe. Curiosity hasn't killed this cat yet!
System Architect
Expert Frontend & Backend Engineer
Open Source Contributor
The Most Amazing...
....thing I've created is BuilderX, a browser-based design tool which generates React and React Native code for you.

Interest & Expertise
- Project Organisation
- Team Management
- Web Usability
- Cloud Development
- Test automation
- Object-oriented design
- Pixel Perfect Code

- Web-designing competition (Intercollege)
- PESIT - 1st place - Atmatrisha 2008
- BMS College of Engineering - 1st place - Utsav 2009
- RV College of Engineering - 2nd place - 8th Mile 2008
- BMS College of Engineering - 2nd place - Init 2007
- SJBIT - 1st place - TechQuest 2007
- SJBIT - 2nd place - TechQuest 2008
- SJBIT - 2nd place - Elysia 2009
- Technical Quiz & Puzzles
- JSS college - 1st place - Confluence 2009
- Auden Academy - 2nd place - Technoblast 2010
- Surana College - 3rd place 2006
- SJBIT - 1st place - 2008 & 2009
- SJBIT - 1st place Elysia 2009 & Elysia 2010
[object Object], [object Object], [object Object], [object Object]
[object Object], [object Object], [object Object]
Frontend Framework & Library
[object Object], [object Object], [object Object], [object Object]
Mobile Framework & Library
[object Object], [object Object], [object Object]
[object Object], [object Object]
Backend Framework & Library
[object Object]
Version Control
[object Object], [object Object], [object Object]
Project Management
[object Object], [object Object]
[object Object]
State Management
[object Object], [object Object], [object Object]
Cloud Services
[object Object]
[object Object]
Geek Speaks
Exploring Recoil With Sanket Sahu
Sanket Sahu, CEO & Founder of GeekyAnts explores Recoil, a state management library for React.
Recoil lets you create a data-flow graph that flows from atoms (shared state) through selectors (pure functions) and down into your React components.