Sankalp Nihal Pandey
Software Engineer
Love to explore and try out new technologies. Always curious to learn new things and trying to implement the things learned. Enthusiastic to build new things and learn new concepts. Self-improvement is the biggest mission always striving to improve my knowledge and improve knowledge and performance.
The Most Amazing...

Interest & Expertise
- Learning new Technology
- Mobile and Web Application
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Frontend Framework & Library
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Version Control
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Project Management
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Travel Application
Creation of a travel application where the users will have the option to see different tourist attractions in different cities around the world making it easier for the user in deciding the places that they want to visit and explore more.
Date Selector
A simple date Selector gives the user the convenience of selecting a specific date easily rather than a user scrolling the user will have the option to jump to a specific date using the dropdown. This project was completed using ReactJS.
Dashboard For Data Visualisation(Client Project)
Creation of configurable dashboard used for visualization and also in the analysis of the large quantity of data for easy understanding of the data using different widgets namely Charts, Dropdown giving user option to select the different widgets to realize the data using endpoint configuration and display the data to the user for better understanding.