Just Released: GeekChronicles | Jan 2025

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Neeraj Kumar Sinha

Neeraj Kumar Sinha

Associate Engineering Manager
A technology geek with a love of problem solving and simplifying them. I specialize in web and app development.
Full stack developer
React/React Native
Apollo GraphQL
The Most Amazing...

....Built a skeleton for the global store of the application essentially replacing redux and it’s desired functionality with react context and hooks.

Interest & Expertise
Interest & Expertise
  • App development, Web development
Laravel, Node.js, PHP, Firebase
Frontend Framework & Library
React.js, Bootstrap
HTML / CSS, JavaScript
State Management
Feedback App
An internal feedback system for various organizations to use, give feedback, comments, escalate issues against a user or an entity. Have an option for groups, goals and other features. And analytics on the admin side for all the above actions. Project was initial built on Angular.js, Laravel 5 and it was later upgraded to React, React Native and Node
BookKeeping and Payment App
Majorly a bookkeeping application in a foreign language, also had the option to pay/ receive the money through the application. There were various campaigns regarding festivals or features like QR code payments or eKYC etc. Tech Stack: React Native, apollo graphQL, Ruby on Rails, Firebase

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