Jajala Trived Kumar
Senior Software Engineer - I
I am an enthusiastic developer and programmer specializing in web and mobile app development. I love to explore different technologies and implement them in my projects.
Frontend Developer
React Native
The Most Amazing...
....thing that I have done is created a full-stack e-commerce web application with features like payment processing, adding items to the cart, and two types of user categories with different permissions.

Interest & Expertise
- Developing apps and Web Applications.
- Love New Technologies

- JavaScript (Basic) and JavaScript (Intermediate) certifications from HackerRank
- Responsive Web Design certification from freeCodeCamp
- Appreciation for completing a part of the API migration in a previous organization
- Volunteered for the election commission during college
Frontend Framework & Library
React.js, SWR, VanillaJS
HTML / CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript
Backend Framework & Library
Version Control
Git, GitLab, GitHub
State Management
User Interface Design
React Native, gluestack-ui
Visual Studio Code
Netlify, Vercel
NeoBanking App
A NeoBanking application with over one million downloads, designed to provide customers with a complete online banking experience and help them achieve their financial goals.
Technologies used include React Native, TypeScript, SWR, xstate, AWS, Firebase, Bifrost, and Stargate (API services).
Technologies used include React Native, TypeScript, SWR, xstate, AWS, Firebase, Bifrost, and Stargate (API services).
An expense tracking app for calculating and organizing expenses. Features include themes, multiple languages, multiple currency support, and multiple wallets.
Built with React Native, React Navigation, React Redux, and Styled Components.
Built with React Native, React Navigation, React Redux, and Styled Components.
Todo App
A simple Todo App built with React Native to gain an understanding of how different concepts work.
Technologies used include React Native, React Navigation, React Redux, and React Hook Form.
Technologies used include React Native, React Navigation, React Redux, and React Hook Form.
Music Practice App
A music learning application where teachers can create blobs (lessons) for students to practice. Students can share their progress recordings through various social apps. The app supports social sign-ins like Apple Sign-In and Google Sign-In.
Technologies used include Expo, Apollo Client, TypeScript,expo-av, Gluestack, and Graphql.
Technologies used include Expo, Apollo Client, TypeScript,expo-av, Gluestack, and Graphql.
Builder’s and Channel Partners App
A platform that connects builders and channel partners through two different mobile apps. The app includes features such as project and builder listings, favoriting, running ads, managing team member details, listing leads and tie-ups, adding reports, business cards, site visits, and more.
Technologies used include Expo, TypeScript, Apollo Client, expo-avReact Hook Forms, Gluestack, and Graphql.
Technologies used include Expo, TypeScript, Apollo Client, expo-avReact Hook Forms, Gluestack, and Graphql.