Saurabh Sahu

Saurabh Sahu

Chief Technical Officer (CTO)
One of the 5 pillars on the technology front, Saurabh is our Director of Engineering and handles more than half of our GeekyAnts family. With experience in technologies like React, React Native, AngularJS, SailsJS, Node.js, ExpressJS, MongoDB, MySQL etc. and a knack for developing e-commerce applications like Noon and Rituals, he is powering through as a mentor for all our new joinees. A yoga practitioner, he is the ultimate captain cool.
Project Lead
Team Leadership
Expert Frontend & Backend Engineer
JavaScript Champion
Open Source Contributor
Web Applications Expert
The Most Amazing...

....A web based editor for designing Mugs, Calendars, Photobooks etc (

Interest & Expertise
Interest & Expertise
  • Team Management
  • Dashboard Applications
  • Image Editing Software
  • Modular Development
  • Object-oriented design
  • Real-time systems
  • Cloud Based Application
  • Agile software development
  • Socket programming
  • Clean Code
  • An open source module developed in AngularJS to ease the development process for a file upload component in the front-end.
    Cloud based server monitoring application and deployed it on more than 150 servers.
Laravel, Firebase, GraphQL
MySQL, MongoDB, SQLite
Frontend Framework & Library
React.js, AngularJS, JQuery
HTML / CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript
Backend Framework & Library
Version Control
Git, GitLab, GitHub
Project Management
JIRA, Trello
Sublime Text, VS Code, Atom
Web Server
State Management
MobX, React + MobX, React + Redux
Cloud Services
User Interface Design
React Bootstrap
Open Source project with more than 13,100+ stars on Github. Many mobile developers use NativeBase to ease their mobile app development and so we call it - "The missing piece of React Native!". It has 150k+ monthly downloads.
Vue Native is a framework to build cross-platform native mobile apps using JavaScript. We at GeekyAnts started this as one of our side projects which grew into a full-fledged mobile app development technology - Vue Native! The secret to our success is creating a whole new technology and getting projects on the same!
MobX is a battle tested library that makes state management simple and scalable by transparently applying functional reactive programming (TFRP). The philosophy behind MobX is very simple:
An online multi-purpose image editor which was used across the website to provide users with a tool to customize mugs, calendars, business card, photo-books and a lot more. Built using SVG, AngularJS and React.js

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