Deepanshu Goyal

Deepanshu Goyal

Senior Software Engineer - II
I love to build things and solve problems and curious to learn new technologies.
Full Stack Developer
The Most Amazing...

....Got Qualified for Asia Qualifiers in Call Of Duty Mobile.

Interest & Expertise
Interest & Expertise
  • Web Development
  • Gyming
  • Gaming
  • AWS Fundamentals Going Cloud-Native
MySQL, MongoDB
Node.js, GraphQL
Frontend Framework & Library
React.js, AngularJS, chakra-ui
HTML / CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript
Version Control
GitLab, GitHub
Project Management
VS Code
An automated hiring solution for recruits and recruiters. Create your profile, apply for openings and take interviews as candidates or post jobs and let TheTopGeek evaluate applicants using behavioural AI & ML. Tech Stacks - MolecularJs, NextJs, GraphQl, Typescript, SQL Styling Library - ChakraUI
Chat Application
An Angular app built with features such as - Real-time Text messaging , Media messaging. The ability to make audio and video calls. The App also has the feature to thread a message. We could create groups and start polls in a group, the members of the group could answer the poll using the options.
TODO App (Made in Angular and React)
It is a list of tasks that you need to complete or things that you want to do. It supports features like Users can view all his/her tasks. Can view all the Completed tasks. Can view all the Active tasks. Can delete any task.