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Aviation Management Dashboard For Coast To Coast Helicopters
Helping an Aviation Company manage processes better with AirOps.
Coast To Coast Helicopters
Travel & Hospitality
  1. Strategy

    We assisted an aviation giant who were looking to modernise their processes and had the technical know-how but were looking for resources to materialise their concept. The engagement which started in November 2019 followed the time and material model to ensure maximum flexibility.

  2. Analysis Planning

    The client, who themselves were excellent developers, had already come with the condition that they want the app to be built in React along with Redux and Typescript. JSReport was finalised to track the status of airplanes while Redux Form was the desired form management tool

  3. UI/UX

    The client had designed the wireframes and screens for this project so our hand wasn't required in the scenario.

  4. Development

    The goal of the project was to design an app to review aviation data even when offline for which the development team implemented necessary features like the access to review/approve data, the ability to create/update bookings,A built-in intercom and a provision for data such as weekly users, flight reports, engineer jobs etc. to be viewable on the app.

  5. Testing

    Intensive QA testing was done at the end of each sprint by both the GeekyAnts’ team as well as the partner’s team where each would conduct their individual tests and revert back for a truly flawless system.

  6. Delivery

    The success of the app idea shows in the fact that our collaboration with the partner is ongoing with new sprints being planned to enhance the product before it hits the market.

About the Client

In 2019, the founders of Coast To Coast Helicopters Inc. had the dream of streamlining aviation services in order to facilitate better management of services. The company specialises in everything related to flight support right from issue of permits and management of ground force to fueling, and much more. As the industry is growing at a rapid rate, the company’s goal is to modify and digitise the industry of air travel, hence making it more efficient.

The Problem

After an extended search for Flutter developers, who could bring to life the application design, the client reached out to us on the 4th of August, 2019 after reading about our quality work in the field through the Start Flutter website. The end-goal was a small-scale mobile application that would provide flight managers and admins easy access to flight information and other such data. Later on the project extended to involve a web application as well.

After thorough discussions, we entered into our partnership based on the Time and Material model which allowed for flexibility during the course of the run of the project which started from November 2019 and is still ongoing. The client who had significant software development experience provided us with the UI mockups, specific documentations and project management guidance along with infrastructure while we were required to translate those requirements into a fully functional application.

Team On-Call

We consulted with our client partners and after thorough discussions, we formed an expert team spearheaded by a tech lead. The team consisted of 6 Flutter Developers who would work on every aspect of the application and a design specialist who handled the UI/UX aspect of the project. As the project continued, a React Developer was onboarded to handle the Frontend of the application alongside a Backend Developer. With the team introduced to the client and the requirements explained, we started work on the project.


The client required a web and mobile application which would provide admins with the access to review/approve data on a weekly basis, even when offline.

The apps should also provide the ability to create/update bookings and other information related to aircrafts, customers, employees.

A built-in intercom was to be provided to enable customer support.

Data such as weekly users, flight reports, engineer jobs, invoices & fuel receipts to be viewable on the applications


After the official introduction, the team got the ball rolling. The entire project was split into two as the client required both a web application as well as its mobile counterpart to support it with the end goal of ensuring efficiency of aviation services for both the admin as well as the user. 

One of the primary requirements of the client was the fast delivery of the Admin Panel that was to be implemented, so we chose React with Redux as the preferred tech stack as the framework is highly popular for web development and it is also user friendly. We used JSReport to generate flight reports to ensure accuracy while tracking. Considering the project was of a large-scale, TypeScript was used for its many cross-platform features as well as the other benefits it offers such as better readability, fast refactoring etc. Material UI was chosen as the component library for its compatibility with React. Redux Saga was adopted as the preferred middleware for its superior application management attributes alongside Redux Form which was the tool used for form management in the project.

With the technologies finalised and set in place, the project was divided into multiple milestones where new features were introduced, existing features were improved and QA testing was done to ensure perfection. The first milestone was to design a basic dashboard which could be used by the admin to view weekly data in the form of reports, generated by JSReports Once this was implemented, a feature to display weekly receipts was designed which would allow admins to log in and access data pertaining to weekly steps., which was followed by the implementation of a screen to place billing and fueling systems in, which would grant the admin information about the same for individual flights. The next feature in line was to add an engineer jobs review screen which would show the record of the engineers on payroll. Subsequently, flight report review screens and a screen to create and edit bookings for efficient information management was also implemented. Lastly, we designed a screen which would enable the admins to add or update flight information.

All of these features were also supposed to be translated in a mobile app to promote mobility and enable on-the-go management, hence we proceeded to work on the mobile version of the application simultaneously, which was previously broken down, so the first step was to get it back to form. The features of the mobile app were similar to the web dashboard but a different tech stack was needed to be kept in place to port them to handheld devices. We proceeded to use Flutter for this as per the client’s preference and for its booming popularity in the mobile app development industry while VS Code was the preferred source-code editor. We used SQLite as the database for the app as it had to store records while offline. The first step was to create a feature to access information like basic daily expenses and slight report UI with proper state management. Once this was done, the next step was to set up the sync process which would synchronize the existing information to the cloud. As we reached the next stint, Firebase and Codemagic were integrated for their enhanced application building attributes. The developers on the field worked on enhancing the UI and sync processes to improve the functioning of the application in tandem. Post this, an intercom was set up to enable customer support on-the-go and provisions were made for upgrades for both the Flutter and Firebase versions along with the complete refactoring of the weekly sync process.

As work on both the mobile and web applications progressed, it was time to get started on the Backend. After much consideration, Heroku was chosen as the suitable infrastructure for the deployment of both the server and database. A Heroku pipeline was created for the backend containing two apps. airops-backend-qa (used for testing features internally by GeekAants team) and airops-backend-staging (used actively by client users for their daily activities). It was also decided that the Backend would be built using the Dart framework- Aqueduct (v3.2.1 and Dart 2.7.2). After thorough research, Postgres was used as the database for storing business data while Redis In-Memory Cache was used for maintaining a record of the background choice.

As with the other two phases of the project, milestones were set by the team for the designing of the Backend. Initially, developers integrated a feature where an email with the password would be sent to the user on registration and properties were added for the user to add, update and delete information on the applications along with a provision to upload images through mobile using AWS S3. Post this, endpoints were added for the web to monitor the user’s weekly data and review/approve them. Next, the team worked on a feature to add the functionality of additional flight reports along with endpoints for creating bookings and accessing customer and aircraft information. As the client required an app that could run without much assistance, we also created a feature where notifications would be sent out to users every Sunday and Monday reminding them to fill out the previous week’s data. An additional feature was implemented in the form of a background job processor for exporting reports to Google Drive.

At the end of each sprint, extensive QA testing was done manually to ensure quality and to fix bugs before proceeding to the next step where it would be pushed to the master branch. Throughout the run of the project, we adopted a process of User Acceptance Testing where the client was kept in loop at the end of each sprint. Alongside QA testing, the client would also put the application under rigorous testing and would revert back with any bugs they would encounter which would be fixed by the GeekyAnts team before the next delivery.

Overcoming Challenges

A project of such nature comes with its own set of challenges but nothing that couldn't be solved through research and constant development and experimenting with various tech stacks. One of the first roadblocks we faced was in trying to sync records without user intervention. In order to counter this, we included a feature where the application would automate syncing on being refreshed by the user along with Firebase Notifications in place which would urge the user to complete the syncing process. Another hurdle that we faced in the development of the application was finding the right tool for debugging, as this would reduce various crash errors. After much consideration we settled on Papertrail and Firebase Crashlytics as a fix to this problem. We also had to find a way to generate PDFs with fields and after much consideration we zeroed in on PDF Form Fields as a solution to this.

In bird's eye view
  • The project was based on a time and material model with the client offering us project management guidance as we translated the idea into a working app.
  • React in tandem with redux was chosen as the preferred tech stack as per the partner’s requirements.
  • A database was implemented using SQLite as the application was required to support the offline storage of user data.
Final Impression

The client has had an amazing run with us and has lauded us for our professionalism and dedication towards the set task. He especially commended the GeekyAnts community for its ability to perceive problems and the solutions that were experimented. Our commitment and zeal towards the project impressed our partner so much that the project was extended to a more long-term plan. The work on the applications is still ongoing with new features being implemented.