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Sep 14, 2022

Digital Transformation In Home Healthcare Services

Digital transformation is reshaping the way healthcare delivery and care is provided through home healthcare services. Accessibility to home healthcare is going to the future. Players in the industry need to hop onto the wagon fast or lose relevance.
Digital Transformation In Home Healthcare Services
Pramada Sahu
Pramada SahuChief Portfolio Officer

Home healthcare is the future of accessibility in treating diseases and overall wellness. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted its importance and the industry has noticed. The goal now is to reduce the cost of availing home healthcare, and the burden on the patient and caregivers. 

To the best extent, the concept of providing medical attention at home was already getting traction in India. Not only do services like this free up expensive hospital beds, but it is also a boon for the already burdened healthcare segment in India. However, there is still a long road ahead to realize the full potential of the idea. Digital transformation is going to be the hero in making ideas into action. It is the best way to make home medical care accessible, affordable, and accountable.

Why home healthcare services?

For the state, home healthcare frees up a huge expense for the medical industry. For the patients and caregivers, it provides a high level of convenience. Providing value and quality-based healthcare become the focus when a medical team leverages digital transformation.

Digital healthcare services segmentation

How is technology transforming healthcare services?

Companies are now leveraging technology to make healthcare accessible from the comfort of their home. With the various trends that we have witnessed just in the recent past, healthcare companies are looking at the possibility of building apps for: 

  • Home nursing
  • Home babycare
  • Home physiotherapy 
  • Home monitoring

Disease-specific apps like Glucometers that can connect to phones and record-keeping applications are also coming up. 

Wrapping up

Digital transformation is reshaping the way healthcare delivery and care is provided through home healthcare services. With the adoption of technology and by digitizing home care management, hospitals are optimizing their operations and infrastructure costs. At GeekyAnts, we have built customized solutions and in various related categories — designing UX/UI solutions, hospital management systems, customized appointment booking, video conferencing, messaging solutions, and payment solutions.

If you would like to explore how GeekyAnts can build custom digital healthcare solutions for you, reach out to us. 

It will be our pleasure to bring your healthcare business idea to life. 

Book a Discovery Call.