Ayush T

Ayush T

Senior Software Engineer - I
I am from Kozhikode, Kerala and have over 4 year experience in the software industry. I have worked in projects which deal with Banking, Sales, Textile, Real estate and Service sectors.
Full Stack Developer
The Most Amazing...

....Lead and Build a video conferencing application.

Interest & Expertise
Interest & Expertise
  • Front End Development
  • Rising Star of Skyislimit Technologies - 2021
Node.js, PHP, Python
Backend Framework & Library
JavaScript, TypeScript
Flutter, React Native
Mobile Framework & Library
A unified CRM platform t
A unified CRM platform to help the sales team take control of the distributor Chanel or retailer by gathering and analysing all kinds of information from across distributor or retailer networks. Description: Track them with punch in access Maximum Dealers in one go, Distributor management, Retailer Management At Fingertips,Real-Time Distributor/Retailer Order Placement, Processing & Dispersal, Payment Updates On The Go, Automated Product Return Process, Transparent Spending Policies.
A ideal platform to help the sales team
A ideal platform to help the sales team of dental care to help them upload their data seamlessly to the platform and for the higher authorities to manage them seamlessly. Description : Track Them With Punch in,Access Unify Customers from crm real time,Customer Management At Fingertips,Real-Time Collection and Visit management,Payment Updates On the Go and real time dispatch management system
A highly advanced, secure and flexible video conferencing platform with unparalleled usability features.
Video conferencing platform which can Schedule Meetings,Share the Screens,Built-in recording feature,Integrated chatoption, Share documents and Files, Remote Support.