Aswathy A

Aswathy A

Chief Marketing Officer
An avid believer of the quote — ‘You are the creator of your own destiny’ Loves to get to know more people and their ideas. Have tasted the wines of both MNC and startup life, as a coder in the former and biz dev in the latter.
Business Development (Business Strategy & Analysis)
Project Management (JIRA/Trello/Asana)
Agile/Scrum execution
Sales Techniques
Microsoft SQL Server
The Most Amazing...

....thing I have done is an creating a RFID authentification platform using Gen-2 Cloning Protocol

Interest & Expertise
Interest & Expertise
  • Business Development
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Project management
  • Database design
Other Skills
Business Development, Sales and Marketing, Project management, Database design, Agile Planning